Being a uniform and flag design service to wargamers and to the imaginary crowned heads of 17th and 18th Century Europe, especially of the Seven Years War period - now By Appointment to the Court of Saxe-Bearstein! (But please note that the uniforms and flags presented here are not fictional - they are genuine 17th and 18th Century uniforms and flags that are as authentic as I can make them from my sources.)
Flag List Pages
Monday, 10 October 2011
7 new Royal Navy uniform templates very soon...
I've just completed a commission to produce seven new Royal Navy officers' uniform templates and the chap who commissioned them is happy to see them go on my blog. They are: Lieutenant, Junior Captain, Senior Captain, and Flag Officer in waistcoat; Senior Captain and Flag Officer in dress uniform; and Flag Officer in undress uniform. Some of these are very elaborate and impressive. As usual, there'll be colour and blank templates for each uniform. Watch this space!