Flag List Pages

Monday 4 June 2018

Reposted: Rossbach Prussian Flags Project - Flags of Prussian Infantry Regiment 23 Forcade

First raised 1713. Stationed in Konigsvörstadt and Spandau, suburbs of Berlin, between 1716 and 1806. Regarded as something of an elite regiment. "Major-General Friedrich Wilhelm Forcade de Blaix was a favourite of the king's and one day Frederick remarked of his troops: "When I want to see real soldiers, I watch for this regiment" (Archenholz). In the army, however, Forcade was known as "that old granny" (dat alte Mütterchen)" (Duffy, Army of Frederick the Great v.2). Two generations of Forcades commanded the regiment; the original Forcade was a Huguenot refugee from France.

The guard-style flags were given for the regiment's fine performance at Soor in 1745. In the Seven Years War it was distinguished at Prague 1757 (where it lost 22 officers and 602 men); was at Rossbach and Leuthen; and was again distinguished at Zorndorf 1758. During that battle Forcade was badly wounded around 7pm and the regiment lost 400 men. After Zorndorf Frederick said of this regiment and IR 18 Prinz von Preussen "I owe my salvation to these regiments and General Seydlitz. I could do anything with commanders and troops like these" (Duffy, op.cit.). It was also badly mauled at Hochkirch 1758. It was at Liegnitz 1760 and again mauled at Torgau in 1760, losing its commanding officer Colonel von Butzke, 22 officers and 365 men.

The uniform in the SYW was blue coat, red cuffs (no lapels), white waistcoat and breeches.

I can't quite believe it's  10 months since I last posted here. Life has been very busy and tiring since then...

And here is the uniform of a musketeer of IR23 (posted Th 07.05.2020):