Flag List Pages

Friday 22 January 2021

Flags of French Regiment Royal Lorraine

First raised 1744 then disbanded at the peace. Re-raised 20th March 1757 at the same time as Royal Barrois. The militia battalions of Mirecourt and Neufchateau were used to fill the ranks of Royal Lorraine. One battalion strong.

Ranked 104th in 1757.

Disbanded November 1762.

The details of the number and layout of the fleurs de lys are from Pierre Charrié, Drapeaux et Étendards du Roi.

With Soubise's Army of Saxony in 1757. Not at Rossbach. With the army of the Comte de Clermont in 1758. In August it was at the combat of Mehr where it fought bravely, being the last unit to leave the battlefield. It was then part of the Army of the Lower Rhine under Contades which recrossed the Rhine to follow the allied army under Ferdinand of Brunswick. In 1759 the regiment operated as part of the corps sent forward to support the French offensive in western Germany and acted as support to Broglie at Minden. [This is a summary of the information in Kronoskaf: http://www.kronoskaf.com/syw/index.php?title=Royal_Lorraine_Infanterie as I do not have an independent account of the regiment in the SYW.]

And this is the uniform in the Seven Years War: