Flag List Pages

Saturday 11 February 2023

Flags and uniform of Prussian Ex-Saxon Regiment IR 54

Formerly Saxon Regiment Prinz Gotha Infantry, after the surrender at Pirna in October 1756 this regiment became Prussian IR54 stationed in Magdeburg.

Its commander was Major-General W. von Saldern to December 1758 then Baron E. F. von Plotho to February 1763.

Once again here are two versions of the flags, the ones below with the new improved eagle.

The regiment seems to have remained as the garrison of Magdeburg for the whole of the Seven Years War. By the end of 1757 it was one of the very few remaining ex-Saxon regiments in the Prussian army. It was disbanded on February 16th 1763 and the men were used to build up Prussian IR 33 Fouqué, which had been captured at Landeshut in 1760.

[Again the short account is taken from Kronoskaf.]

And this was the uniform in 1756:

Thursday 9 February 2023

Flags and uniform of Prussian Ex-Saxon Regiment IR 53

Formerly Saxon Regiment Minckwitz Infantry, after the surrender at Pirna in October 1756 this regiment became Prussian IR53 stationed in Frankfurt an der Oder.

Its commander was Major-General C. H. von Manstein to September 1757.

Here are two versions of the flags, the one below with an improved detailed eagle. At the size most people will print these out I suppose no-one will notice, except me. I shall continue to produce versions with the old unimproved flag for consistency with my "back catalogue" but will probably/possibly produce alternative versions with the new improved eagle as well.

The 2nd battalion took part in the invasion of Bohemia in April 1757 and on May 6th was taken prisoner at Brandeis. The 1st battalion went to Stettin and was absorbed into the Pomeranian Provincial regiments in September of that year.

[Again the short account is taken from Kronoskaf.]

And this was the uniform in 1756:

Sunday 5 February 2023

Flags and uniform of French Regiment Nice

This was a regiment with an interesting flag but which did not do much in the Seven Years War, although it had a strong combat record in the late 17th century and in the War of the Spanish Succession.

First raised 1678 by  the Marquis de Saint-Laurent from sergeants and soldiers of Savoyen Ducal regiments, of Saluces, of Savoy, of Chablais and Geneva, reformed this year.

The flags were the same from 1678-1762.

Campaigns and battles:

1690  Battle of Fleurus (July 1st)
1691: Siege of Mons
1692: Siege of Namur; battle of Steenkirk (August 3rd)
1693: Battle of Neerwinden (July 29th); siege of Charleroi
1695: Defence of Namur. Served on the Meuse and Moselle until the peace
1702: Army of Germany
1703: Taking of Treves and Traërbach,; sieges of Brisach and Landau; battle of Speyerbach (November 15th)
1704: Hochstedt [Blenheim] (August 13th)
1705: Army of Flanders
1706: Ramillies (May 23rd)
1708: Oudenaarde (July 11th)
1709: Defence of Mons
1710: Defence of Aire; Flanders until the peace
1733: Army of Germany; siege of Kehl
1734: Siege of Philippsburg (June 2nd - July 18th)
1741: Army of Bohemia; taking of Prague
1742: Combat of Sahay; defence and retreat from Prague
1743: Dettingen (June 27th)
1744: Army of the Lower Rhine; siege of Fribourg
1746: Army of Flanders; taking of Mons and Charleroi; battle of Rocoux (October 11th)
1747: Lawfeld (July 2nd)
1748: Siege of Maestricht
1755: Camp of Valencia
1756: Menorca Expedition
1757: Defence of the coasts of Brittany
1761: Defence of Belle-Isle

10th December 1762 the two battalions of the Nice regiment were incorporated into the Lyonnois regiment.

And this was the uniform in 1756: