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Tuesday 10 July 2007

Another slow week...

It's going to be another slow week on the templates; or perhaps that should be "this is the new slower routine", real life having first call. Mmm... Anyway, I'm still working on the Hanoverian Horse Grenadier - those complex shabraque patterns are a pain to draw accurately, and the Highlander figure, which will be an entirely new figure, is still at the back of my mind. As a small but productive recreation I'm thinking of doing Austrian and Prussian artillerymen, who require far less work; infantry-style figures are so much easier and more relaxing, especially when the basic template is already drawn. We'll see how it turns out. I feel like pleasing myself at the moment, when I have so little time and energy. As soon as this starts to feel like work and not play, it naturally becomes very much less appealing!


  1. Hi Jeff,

    It's good to be sensible occasionally! ;-)


  2. Yep. We are all enjoying your work, but the main thing is to be sure you enjoy it. Don't overdo it. Have fun :-)

  3. And remember, while the vile Stagonians want French uniforms, they deserve to suffer . . . make them wait, wait, wait.

    (Actually you did publish one foot template . . . but so far I've kept them from discovering it . . . I hope.)

    -- Jeff

  4. Thanks, FB - I'll try. ;-)


  5. Hi Jeff,

    I can honestly say that the [supply epithet of your choice here] Stagonians may be waiting for some time... But I may have to do some French material sometime - especially if people actually start asking for it. As they say in Tippelbruder, "there are no enemies or friends in business, just customers or potential customers..." ;-)


  6. Definitely do whatever is needed to keep it fun for you, David. This is your hobby, after all.

    Which isn't to say I'm not thoroughly thrilled to hear the word "Highlander" fall from your textual lips. :>

  7. sc - do you know of any good minis for use as Highlanders for this era? Of course, I could use ECW Highlanders or Nappy Highlanders or ? (I'm saving British Colonial era Highlanders for my mythical Victorian Britain army - some day)
    I will eventually want a unit or 2 for Saxe-Urquhart.


Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...