Flag List Pages

Thursday 2 August 2007

War approaches...

As war looms large over Tippelbruder, offers of help have flooded in from others opposed to the tyranny of Stagonia. Both the Soweiter League and Hesse-Engelburg have pledged troops to defend the town and we await details of the troops which Saxe-Bearstein will be able to commit to the impending conflict. At a tense meeting of the Town Council of Tippelbruder last night all present vowed to resist the tyranny of Stagonia, should the present animosity escalate into war, as most fear it will. The general council were addressed by the great orator and patriot (and pie shop proprietor) Herr Adolf Flegelruck whose stirring speech concluded: "We shall fight them in the forests, we shall fight them on the lakesides, we shall fight them in the streets. We shall never surrender!" The meeting concluded at 9.35 and refreshments were served in the Council Chamber.


  1. If you would like, we of Saxe-Bearstein can send either Regiment von Urquell and/or Regiment von Lowenbrau for your defense.

    Each is a one battalion regiment with a current strength of approximately 750 officers and men.

    You might recall that both are red-coated -- von Urquell with dark green facings and von Lowenbrau with light blue facings.

    Please advise us as to whether you would like both battalions or, if just one, which you'd prefer.

    -- General Baron Helmut von Pilsner

  2. Herr General,

    Please despatch one battalion immediately and keep the other in reserve, ready to move at a moment's notice, should it be necessary. We leave the choice to you as you will know far better than we can the state of readiness of the 2 regiments.

    At this stage we hope that the Stagonians, who no doubt are fully aware of the nations throwing their support behind Tippelbruder, will think again and not throw Central Europe into a potentially devastating war.

    Once again may I say how grateful we in Tippelbruder are for the support you are giving us in our hour of need.

    We shall also need to convene a Council of War to discuss our strategy and also the command of this mixed force from several nations.

    Max Osterling, Secretary to the General Council of Tippelbruder.

  3. The Stagonians seem intent on invading the Soweiter League as well, so we can't spare many troops, but we will send the Saxe-Urquhart 86th Highlanders, Colonel Stanley McLaurel commanding (note: 86th doesn't mean there are 85 other such units currently, rather the number is incremented at significant milestones) as they are battle ready and wouldn't miss a good fight. Battlecry "If ye can say it's a braw bricht moonlicht nicht, ye're all richt, ye ken!"
    They will be excorting a supply train of supplies as mentioned previously.

  4. Very well, Saxe-Bearstein will dispatch the von Lowenbrau Battalion.

    -- General Baron Helmut von Pilsner

  5. To: The Council of Tipplebruder
    From : Leopold IV King of Wittenberg

    His majesty is most concerned about the threat to your country. Unfortunately we are unable to send troops due the current hightened state of tension with Monrovia. However our friend Prince Maurice Duke of Fenwick has graciously agreed to send one battalion of infantry and a battery of artillery to help (the infantry and artillery have red coats and their flags are emblazoned with a mouse rampant).

    Count Herman Munster
    [on behalf of Leopold IV King of Wittenberg]

  6. The citizens of Tippelbruder look forward to welcoming the Soweiter League's 86th Highlanders; the ladies are especially excited at the prospect! Many thanks to the League.

    Max Osterling, Secretary to the General Council of Tippelbruder.

  7. To General Baron Helmut von Pilsner of Saxe-Bearstein:

    Herr General,

    We very much look forward to receiving the Lowenbrau Battalion in Tippelbruder.

    With many thanks,

    Max Osterling, Secretary to the General Council of Tippelbruder.

  8. To Count Herman Munster of Wittenberg

    Please express our thanks to His Majesty for his concern. We are most grateful to Prince Maurice Duke of Fenwick for his generous offer and look forward to receiving his infantry and artillery in Tippelbruder.

    With many thanks,

    Max Osterling, Secretary to the General Council of Tippelbruder.


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