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Sunday 17 February 2008

Trooper, 15th Light Dragoons

Trooper of the British 15th Light Dragoons.

Raised 1759 as Eliott's Light Horse (or Dragoons), the regiment went to Germany in 1760 and almost immediately made a name for itself at Emsdorf, where it was claimed to have captured 16 colours, six cannon and 2600 Frenchmen. However, the battle was very costly to the regiment and it had to be withdrawn to reform and recoup its losses in Hannover. The resultant fame and publicity led to the raising of several more regiments of light dragoons and, unlike the light troops attached to the heavy dragoon units, most of them were not disbanded in 1763.

Uniform: Black enamelled cap, white metal crest and mountings (copper or brass metal sometimes depicted as an alternative), white GR cipher and crown on front, the crown showing red enamel through the gaps, turban dark green, horsehair mane red (although possibly originally designated as white over red), two white tassels at back of helmet. Black stock. Red coat with dark green collar, lapels and cuffs, lined white i.e. white turnbacks. White lace loops and white metal buttons on collar, lapels and sleeves. White tufted epaulette on each shoulder. Waistcoat and breeches white. Boots (of a lighter type than used by the heavy cavalry) black. Dark green saddlecloth with a tan leather seat joining the front and rear parts. Edging lace white with red central stripe. Full colour crown with white GR cipher at front. Rear corner red circle surrounded by wreath of natural coloured roses and thistles with LD in white. White fur cover on holsters.


  1. Hi David,

    That's a very nice light dragoon uniform you have created (as is the Scots Grey uniform above). If memory serves me correctly, there was an army or two among one of another of the German "statelettes" of the 18th century that fielded a regiment or two of cavalry wearing uniforms much like this one. I might just have to procure some figures and devise a uniform for them using this fine template. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Stokes,

    Thanks! It's good to hear the templates are an inspiration. These figures do make a nicely different, rather Napoleonic style of uniform for the SYW.

    All the best,


    P.S. Good luck with the packing and the move; it took us years to get all our books (8000+) onto bookshelves after moving here in 1996 so I know what it's like.


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