Flag List Pages

Monday 1 September 2008

Coming soon - allegedly...

More cavalry to come soon, I hope, as I'm working on a trooper of the French Cuirassiers Du Roi, a trooper of the French Gendarmerie, a hussar of the Hanoverian Luckner Hussars and a Brunswick hussar. In the meantime I might try the odd infantryman, just to keep my hand in and let people know the blog is still alive - they are so much simpler to do, in general. It's those pestilential shabraques that often take far too much time, especially those with dogtooth edging etc...


  1. Sir David,
    You've picked some of my favorite units, can't wait to see the great bearskin heargear.
    Best regards...Bill

  2. Thanks, Bill. Hope to be able to post one of them soon... :-)

    All the best,


  3. Are you planning on the early Luckner uniform? or the later one?

    In either case I will look forward to seeing them since I plan on doing both for Saxe-Bearstein.

    -- Jeff

  4. Keep at it, we all are immensely enjoying the new materials!

    Even *The Seven Years War* project has begun replacing their uniform templates with yours.

    Just in case you had not noticed!


  5. Hi Jeff,

    Not sure yet - I did initially think the later uniform but I'll have to see how the inspiration goes! I might even do both... :-)


  6. Thanks, Murdock! I had noticed that some of the Russians use my templates but not yet any others. Nice if they do, though. :-)


  7. Quality tells, David! Good to know your work is reaching a wider audience.

  8. Just to through out another idea your way, how about Dutch uniforms for the War of the Austrian Succession to complement the new Eureka figures?

    I'm sure I could find them a good home on my blog, and the information is out there!

  9. Thanks, AJ. :-)


  10. Hi Robert,

    WAS is certainly something I've thought about doing but at the moment I'm hard pressed to find time to do the SYW templates I'm working on. But it's certainly there on the "To Do" if life permits list. :-)

    Thanks for the comment.


  11. Do you do commissions? I need a flag for my new imagi-nation, Cavenderia.

  12. Yes, I'd be happy to consider doing a flag for Cavenderia. Let me have your ideas for the sort of thing you'd like (especially the style - Prussian, Austrian, British, etc. and any particular icons you wish to use - eagles, wombats, lizards, beer barrels or whatever, etc. ;-)) and I'll have a go.

    Email me at: morfitt [at] lineone [dot] net




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...