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Thursday 25 December 2008

Regiment Nicholas!

And this year we really do have - Regiment Nicholas! I'm not sure if they did call themselves "Santa's Own" or not but... :-)

No prizes but I'm sure some of you will recognise the war from which this uniform comes. It was not the SYW.

Happy Xmas and New Year, everyone.

Update: For those who are interested, this is my version of the uniform of Colonel [not Saint!] Nicholas' New Hampshire Regiment 1777/8, from the American War of Independence. I found a few snippets about it on the 'Net, put them together and - hey presto - a likely uniform. If anyone knows more, I'd be pleased to hear; thanks.


  1. David have you ever done any musicians uniforms, i.e. Austrian drummers?

  2. I have thought about it (a number of people have asked over the past 18 months that I've been doing the templates!) but haven't yet got round to it/found the time for it/found the energy for it! Musicians' uniforms are, of course, generally much more complex so will take longer to do - in the time to do one of those, I could probably do 2 simpler infanty uniforms, for instance. But I'm still thinking about it so don't give up hope yet. ;-)


  3. Looks like a great start to a wonderful period! Thanks for taking the time to do this David!



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