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Saturday 14 March 2009

Musician of Prussian Infantry Regiment No. 47

Uniform and unit details to follow...

Well, it seems I was wrong about hating Prussian musicians' lace so much, as here's another with funny lace I've just done - this one seems to have space invaders along it! Perhaps it's the lingering effects of yesterday's hospital anaesthetic doing funny things to the brain that has me doing yet more... The fusilier helmet is new and correct for Regiment 47. I also wanted to do a variation of the fusilier uniform that has an interestingly different facing colour, as most are some variation on red.


  1. Wow, another complex uniform. Well done!
    (space invaders, huh? lol)

    re "hospital anaesthetic" - I don't want to pry, but I hope you're doing well!

  2. Thanks, FB. :-) The small emblem on the lace looks just like a space invaders monster to me... Strange sense of humour those Prussian tailors had. ;-)

    Thank, yes, getting better. I had a lump cut out of my mouth yesterday - non-malignant, we think, but still a nuisance. Give it a week and hopefully I'll be eating all the crunchy things I'm missing like peanuts and cereals - it's a diet of lots of soft food for now, eaten on one side of the mouth! At least the soreness and swelling aren't as bad as they might have been. :-)

    Thanks for asking; I'm sure I've told you far more than you ever wanted to know but you know how it is with these things when people are kind enough to ask.

    All the best,


  3. really nice, have not been to the site for a while looks as if you have been busy.

  4. Thanks, Prinz Geoffrey! :-)

    I'm sorry I haven't yet done a write up about Signor Bassi arriving in Tippelbruder on that blog - I have taken a few pictures of him though. Lacking any other 18th century figures I'll have to composite him into some painting or photograph instead. Hope to find the energy for some creative writing about him shortly. He's standing behind me looking over my right shoulder as I write this! :-)

    All the best,


  5. no worries, glad that he arrived safely. I have been very impressed with your output lately. I guess recouperating at home has given you some extra time to make more uniform templates. Who is coloring them in they look great. You should consider putting out a uniform guide like Biles or Pengal & Hurt some day.

  6. Thanks, Prinz Geoffrey. Yes, I have managed to produce quite a few lately - don't think I can keep up the pace indefinitely, though! I've been colouring them either in the vector program in which I draw them or after exporting as PNG, in a Paint-type program. In many ways the former is easier, although all shapes need to be closed beforehand.

    Yes, doing some sort of printed guide would be fun but eprhaps there would not be the market for it - we'll have to see sometime, perhaps. For now, the blog is the online guide instead! :-)

    Thanks for commenting. Hope you have a good time this weekend at the convention.



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...