Flag List Pages

Sunday 1 March 2009

Trooper of the French Gendarmes Anglais Du Roi 1750s

Unit and uniform details to follow


  1. Thanks, Bill. I think they do show the templates off to good effect! They make the blog much less drab too...


  2. Indeed the colored templates are pleasant and stimulating. Yet I hope such an elegant uniform will receive other colors 'elsewhere': it deserves it!

  3. Thanks, Jean-Louis.

    Yes, indeed - let's hope it finds a home on various blogs... :-)

    All the best,


  4. I really like the addition of the colored (or coloured) plates! It gives me a better idea how some of the uniform parts should look. A good starting point for trying other colors, too, as one could take a colored plate and just change some of the colors. (and, as you say, adds some color to the blog as well) :D

  5. Thanks, FB. :-) It helps that multiple images are now easier to line up neatly than previously! I tried a while ago and it was a total mess. Since Ed Youngstrom had to give up doing his website of the coloured in templates I've felt I should do it and now I wish I'd done it earlier but it does take more time and will inevitably slow the rate of new template production. Ah well! If it's useful and popular, it's worth it. I do find it makes the blog visually infinitely more attractive; it makes it hard to switch off the computer as I sit ogling the blog now. ;-)

    Thanks again for your positive and supportive comments.


  6. As always, it seems I'm a bit late to leave my comment. Nevertheless David, once again you've come up trumps, and I'll certainly be adding the latest template to the list of "uniforms" I've downloaded from this excellent site.
    Will you be producing a few more templates of French "Gendarmarie" cavalry?


  7. Thanks, Steve. :-) I had thought of doing a Scottish Gendarme and possibly one other - one of the simpler uniforms with much less silver braid.

    Currently I'm also working on Prussian officers (with the full skirted coat not turned back) and musicians, as well as various cavalry on which I've been working for ages including a Cuirassier Du Roi and Luckner Hussar.



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...