Flag List Pages

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Bavarian Artilleryman


  1. David,

    Your unifrms just simply get prettier, and prettier. Wyy, I almost want to have one like this made to wear myself! Barring that, I think you have provided just the uniform I want to paint to clothe my third battery of artillery in. I can't take my eyes off this one.

    Best Regards,


  2. Clearly I have dressed my Bavarian Artillery in the wrong uniform. Hopefully, yuo will like the flag Reich Duke Wilhelm presented to The Holy Mormoan Kingdom Artilley ...

  3. I am currently painting a few more artillerymen for Batrachia (using Foundry figures from their Russians), so it's interesting to see a few different artillery uniforms (in living color!). :-)

  4. Thanks, Stokes. I'm glad you like it so much; I'm very much enjoying doing these simple but elegant artillerymen's uniforms.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to have access to a wardrobe of authentic 18th century uniforms? Modern clothes may be comfortable but they are largely ugly despite being so functional; and as for modern military uniforms - ugh ugh ugh... ;-)

    All the best,


  5. Hi Bill,

    Well, it's your ImagiNation so anything you dress your troops in cannot be wrong, if you like it! :-)

    Yes, indeed, a strong and interesting design for the flag.

    All the best,


  6. Thanks, FB; I'm glad you're enjoying the current artillerymen theme! :-)

    All the best,



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