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Friday 3 April 2009

Drummer of Saxon Infantry Regiment Graf Bruhl

Unit and uniform detail to follow sometime...


  1. Very nice!

    It's been a while since we heard from you so I hope everything is okay and that you were just enjoying a break (or even a nice holiday somewhere). :-)

  2. A very elegant uniform indeed. Thanks for your concern and checking in on me. I hope to be up and about tomorrow. Best regards...Bill

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  4. Thanks, FB. I'm OK, thanks, just a bit jaded with drawing musicians! I'll have to go back to the map icons next, I think, as I've been neglecting them too long and the break from the templates will be refreshing... :-)

    Holiday? Not had a proper holiday since May 2000 - too many cats and no-one to look after them if we go away for a few days. Ah well!


  5. Thanks, Bill. :-)

    We have to look out for each other, don't we? Glad to hear that you are beginning to feel better and look forward to seeing you posting more again.

    All the best,


  6. That's understandable, David, and good to hear that's all it is. One of the good things about this hobby is there are so many aspects it's not hard to find something different to do when you need a break from other aspects.

    I also understand about the cats. I only have one and it's not alwyas easy to find someone to watch him (plus he apparently isn't real happy when I'm gone - but he's always glad when I'm back; he's not one to mope or act stand-offish after I've been away).

  7. Hi FB,

    Well, I must confess I did reach a point while drawing the Saxon drummer where I wondered what on earth I was doing drawing all these d***ed templates as I could feel no pleasure in it all at that time. I suppose we all get to that place at some point! With me, all that iritating lace is the trigger and it doesn't help that I've not seen a single instance of a drummer template used on a blog yet. ;-) When I get back to templates my first few will definitely *not* be drummers or other musicians but honest-to-goodness fighting men with relatively simple uniforms.

    Yes, cats are wonderful creatures and we're very glad we rescued our 4 but they can be rather a tie, can't they? They don't like change either. We had a beautiful grey tabby, now sadly dead, who would sit looking sad on the low wall of our front garden when we went away and was often sitting there when we got back, however long it was - we very much hope she hadn't been there the whole time! She'd do a wild roll of delight on the ground when she saw us returning. (At that time we did have someone who was able to feed her if we were away.)

    Do post a picture of your cat - I'd like to see him, if you don't mind. :-) Thanks.


  8. Yeah, if it's not fun it's definitely time for a change of pace!
    I havem't used many templates for a while, mostly because I've been doing odds and ends not covered by your excellent templates (and I wouldn't dream of expecting you to do any for the types of minis I've been painting lately - various light infantry, artillery, odd figures like the grenade launcher guys and the "engineers" (von Kleist band?), etc.)

    You can find a few pictures of my cat on my blog at http://soweiterleague.blogspot.com/search?q=cat

  9. Hi FB,

    I don't know - I wouldn't mind doing a few artillerymen, light infantrymen etc. when I get back to the templates - anything but doing more fancy lace! ;-)

    Yes, of course, I do remember now the pictures of your handsome and leonine cat; I asked for them myself! Sorry, getting forgetful - not really with it too often these days, I fear... Ah well. :-(



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...