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Monday 18 May 2009

28th Reichsarmee Template - Grenadier of the Kreisinfanterieregiment Württemberg (Swabian Circle)

First raised 1638. 1 battalion in 1757, with 10 musketeer and 2 grenadier companies; an actual total of 963, far below its theoretical complement. Made up of 6 contingents. 2 3 pounder guns were attached. Inhaber: The Duke of Württemberg.

Attached to the Reichsarmee for most of the war (up to 1762) but not at Rossbach, the regiment was rated as "adequate" by Soubise.

The mitre cap is my reconstruction based on verbal description (at Kronoskaf) and a crude but informative watercolour on the NYPL website. Presumably like other
Württemberg grenadiers they would have worn a white cloth cover over the mitre cap.

I'm still considering what to do for the musketeer as the headgear at the time of the SYW is uncertain and may have been a very Prussian-style fusilier cap. Breeches were probably white in the summer, yellow in winter. There is also some dispute about the colour of the aiguillette; some sources suggest white rather than yellow.


  1. I wasn't sure what aiguillettes arelooked it up. Apparently modern day uniforms that have aiguillettes seem to be gold, silver, sometimes even blue or red or black.
    I've been painting the ones on my minis mostly either white or yellow to match silver or gold buttons and white or yellow hat trim, but have no idea if that was the common practice in the real world.
    Interesting about white breeches in summer and yellow in winter.

  2. Hi FB,

    Yes, what you are doing closely matches what largely happened with SYW uniforms - although, of course, there were always odd exceptions.

    Thanks for commenting. :-)



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