Flag List Pages

Monday 19 October 2009

Grenadier of the Württemberg Leibgrenadiere à Cheval

First raised 1758. Theoretically 4 squadrons of 512 men total. More details to follow later...


  1. Thanks, Bill. I know you like scarlet and black, and I said I'd do this ages ago, when you posted about another red unifrom I'd posted. Well, better late than never!

    Hope all's going well.

    All the best,


  2. Super! Great work as always David.


  3. Sir David promoted to Brigadier and will lead the Beerstein Foreign Legion into the Barony of Brewski. Check it out!

  4. Thanks, Steve, Stokes and FB! :-)



  5. Hi Bill,

    David Linienblatt has posted his thanks for the honour bestowed on him at your blog - he said:

    "David Linienblatt is honoured by the promotion - and hopes his strategical and tactical abilities will live up to expectation!

    [Note to self: Really must get that new uniform sorted out... Too busy designing others' uniforms much of the time!]"

    So - running a military tailors and flag shop as well as running a campaign - a most interesting challenge!

    All the best,


  6. Hello,
    David can I use your uniform plates of Russians infantry in my publication?
    All the best

  7. Hello David,

    I wonder if I could trouble you for a .svg file of the map symbols you made up in June. I pasted in a few of these symbols (and combined them to make unique towns) in a draft of a map for my Syldavia blog. They are really useful and make very nice eye candy, but vector files would be even more useful.

    jjim006 at sympatico.ca

    Many thanks for the effort you put into the symbols and for sharing them.



  8. Hi Tomasz,

    Can you tell me more about your publication, please? Is it a commercial or freeware publication?



  9. Hi Jim,

    Certainly - on its way shortly. :-)

    Look forward to seeing more of your work on Syldavia - and it's good to see the map symbols in use.



  10. I've sent the updated .svg file to Jim but thought I'd point out that the original had an oddity about the arms of the windmill and this is what I've said on the original posting about the map symbols:

    P.S. Update 29.10.09: I noticed that the .svg file has done funny things to the windmill - basically the arms have been filled when they should be open so the detail is obscured. I've now fixed this so if anyone wants the upadted file rather than doing it for themselves then let me know and I'll email the updated file to them.



  11. David,

    I have received the .svg file. I can open it in Adobe Illustrator and seem to be able to manipulate it without problem. Zooming in, there is a tremendous amount of detail in those little images - wow! With your permission i might play around with one or two of them in order to tailor them to the region.



  12. It is going to be an publication about "Campagne of the 1761 year on the West Pommern" between Prussians and Russians. It will bepublication in Poland and with polish language (Kampania 1761 roku na Pomorzu Zachodnim"). I have had permission from kronoskaf project from Richard to use Dal and Fred uniform plate for prussians infantry and dragoons. Richard told me also to please you about some kind of authorisation,but could not give any contact to you (despite this one). I won't earn much money for this publication it is rather charitative work.

  13. Hi Jim,

    I'm glad you like them. :-)

    Yes, please feel free to play around with the symbols; that's one of the big advantages of vector, that playing around is easier than with bitmap images!



  14. Hi Tomasz,

    Yes, you have my permission to use the Russian infantry plates in your publication; you will no doubt be acknowledging the sources of whatever images you use, so a link to my blog would be good?

    Good luck with the work - any chance you'll be doing an English translation?

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...