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Thursday 15 April 2010

NCO of the Saxon Feldjägerkorps

Apart from a verbal description of the uniform from Schirmer via Pengel and Hurt I can find nothing about this unit so if anyone can tell me more about its role in the SYW, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

Straw-coloured gloves were worn, and the carbine and sword had brass metalwork. Officers wore a sash but it is not known if they also wore a gorget or the customary green breeches. The style of the waistcoat is speculative, as is the style of the silver lace and that of the shabraque, although the colours are known.


  1. I cannot find another way to contact you so pl forgive using a comment on this (interesting) uniform post and blog, about something entirely different.

    I saw elsewhere in the blogosphere what I think was a comment by you on a discussion of the Centurion film. This is just to say that Centurion is not at all based on The Eagle of the Ninth book; that there IS a The Eagle of the Ninth film; and if anyone is interested (perhaps you would post it in that discussion) there is a good deal about the film as well as the book at www.rosemarysutcliff.wordpress.com

  2. As always David, a super piece of work. Like yourself I can find nothing about this unit apart from Pengel & Hurt. The 18th C. Saxon Army is a favourite of mine, it's just a shame they were used so badly by both allies and enemies alike.

    - Steve

  3. Thanks, Steve. :-) I have a friend doing some searching via German friends so hopefully more will come to light about these Saxon troops. Quite agree about the Saxons - as my output of Saxon uniforms shows. Perhaps it's partly a sympathy for the underdog, which used to be (and maybe still is) a British trait.



  4. Hi Anthony,

    Sorry to be so long replying. I've loved Rosemary Sutcliff's novels since I was a boy and had a little correspondence with her in the mid-1980s about her books. I wrote to tell her how much I enjoyed her work but also mentioned that in Frontier Wolf she had beech erroneously growing in Scotland, where it is not native, and to say that her wolves (as in that book, Eagle of the Ninth and Warrior Scarlet, for instance) are the savage wolves of mythology, not real biological wolves, which tend to be very wary of man.

    Yes, I made a comment on a TMP page thread on the film of Centurion, mentioning that there is a film being made of EOTN in reply to someone's query. I could certainly tell them about your blog(s), which are most interesting and which I have now bookmarked. Thanks.




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...