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Thursday 20 May 2010

Hesse Kassel Artilleryman (after Witzel)

This is the post-1761 regulations Prussian-style artillery uniform as depicted by Witzel (full book reference, see below). As with the other units it is highly likely that this uniform was late seeing service in the SYW.


  1. Sir David.
    Artillery men were considered elite, but a little hard of hearing. These lads were also very dapper.Glads to see them obtain your attention. Best regards...

  2. Thanks, Bill. Yes, I agree that the "professionals" like the artillery deserve more attention. They may not be so glamorous as others but they were pretty essential!

    All the best,


  3. I've always liked the artillery. It's something of a family tradition in military service. The Hesse-Kassel uniform is a nice colorful one. I may just change my own design for the Hetzenberg Guard artillery. ;)

  4. Thanks for commenting, AJ. Yes, as artillery uniforms go this is one of the more attractive ones. :-) Do you have family records of artillery service?



  5. Thanks for making all these extra Hessian posts, David. I've hit a really bad painting block and I think these (especially the early artillery uniform) will spur me on. The sooner I get past the half painted men on the shelf the sooner i can get on to the gunners and jaegers!

  6. Hi Adam,

    I'm glad you're finding them enjoyable and inspiring! I hope to do more soon (though I'm itching to get another Saxon done soon too). :-) Good luck with getting through the painting block.





Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...