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Saturday 15 May 2010

Hesse Kassel Foot Jägers - Variant 2

This version is based on the work of Rudolf Witzel, Hessen Kassels Regimenter in der Alliierten Armee 1762, 2007, which shows the army in its very Prussian-style uniforms after the 1761 regulations. Note, however, that there is evidence that just about the whole Hessian army were still in their previous uniforms at the end of the winter of 1761-2 (thank you to Christian Rogge for the information!) so this shows the new regulation uniform rather than how they actually appeared in the field until perhaps much later!

It seems more and more likely that various features of version 1 (see below) (e.g. the plume) may have been extrapolated from the American War of Independence uniform and not relate to the SYW period at all. Reliable information about the early SYW Hessian uniforms is not easy to find.


  1. Very nice indeed. I guess one can never have too many Jagers. Keep up the good work...

  2. Aw, and I was thinking the plume was a nice touch! ha ha

    Nice work as always!

  3. Thanks, Bill. Absolutely - and I'm sure I'd have chosen to be one of the jägers. Don't really fancy standing in a line whilst being pounded by musketry and cannon - but doing all that lurking in trees and rough ground and letting rip with a rifle sounds much more the thing (however much Old Fritz didn't approve!). :-)



  4. Hi FB,

    Yes, quite agree. But at least for ImagiNations you can have plumes on your jägers with no qualms about authenticity! These Hessians are proving slippery customers to get right and no mistake.



  5. I agree with your comment about jaegers vs. line troops!

    Re: plumes - I have some dragoons on foot lined up in the painting queue. Was thinking of painting them as jaegers, since I need some light inf. more than I need dismounted dragoons. I may try adding plumes to their hats. :)

  6. Hi FB,


    I agree the plumes look good - and for an ImagiNation army, why not go for it? :-)




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