Flag List Pages

Sunday 15 August 2010

Some historical flag work in progress...

I'm in the middle of doing some historical flags for a friend and thought I'd post a snapshot of the the state of play on the "worktable", to see if people recognise what's being worked on - it livens up the time! ;-) This particular batch I will probably offer as a set for people to download if there's interest, when they're finished. (And yes, I realise there are two of the same flag top left - there is a reason for that. :-))

Update 14th October 2010 - here's an updated rough showing the correct number of fleurs de lys on the cross of the flag of Royal Roussillon - 48 and not 49, and also naming most of the units! (See Chartrand's "French Soldier in Colonial America" for pictures of the flag of Royal Roussillon and of La Reine from the official pattern book; that pattern book is one volume that should definitely be in print!) 3 of the flags are very near completion and I'll post a snapshot of them sometime soon.


  1. Sir David, You have out done yourself! These are absolutely great. I may just have to perloin these for my Landgrave of Lorraine Army, which is part of the Coventant of Colin. Again, well done my friend...

  2. Hi Bill,

    Thank you. :-) I'll be happy to email you the flags when they're finished for you to use - some way to go yet...

    All the best,


  3. Very nice - way ahead of my usual source of flags (Warflag)!

  4. Thanks, Steve. :-) Like Bill, you'll be very welcome to have a copy when I've finished them.



  5. Hi great job , but for french flags with "fleur de lys" on the St Denis Cross you must have only 48 symbols.

  6. Hi,

    Very true - that was an erroneous first rough and it has since been changed in the file (after the French pattern book examples of Royal Roussillon and La Reine in Chartrand's "French Soldier in Colonial America") but I've not updated the screenshot. I really must get round to finishing the flags...

    Thanks for commenting.



  7. P.S. New updated screenshot added!



  8. lovely mate, can I buy some of these for my French mate?


  9. Hi Matt,

    Thanks. How soon do you need them? I still haven't quite finished them, having been busy with other projects, but they shouldn't take very long, really. I'd be providing them as PDF sheets emailed to you for you to print out yourself - although the best thing would ultimately be to get them printed myself as other historical flag companies do, if I were to get into the historic flags game properly. Still not sure about that...

    Look forward to hearing from you; thanks.




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...