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Monday 4 October 2010

Fusilier, Summer Dress, Compagnies Franches de la Marine, Canada 1750s

In bonnet de police, regimental waistcoat or veste and Indian leggings, this is a fusilier of the colonial infantry dressed for summer campaigning in Canada.

More text to follow...


  1. You choose a darker blue than shown on Leliepvre's reconstitutions used by many Canadian re-enactors. This darker shade is supported by at least a well-known painting of a French harbour: are they other sources?

    Btw, in different colors would make a great light infantry uniform for any Imagi-Nation.

  2. Hi Jean-Louis,

    The Leliepvre illustrations (especially in the Ospreys) have always struck me as very light for almost all colours, partly, I think, because they are often done in watercolour washes. Look at the range of colours shown by searching Google on this link: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1012&bih=833&q=Compagnies+Franches+de+la+Marine&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= ! It's clearly very difficult to be definitive about this but I feel a darker shade seems more appropriate for the Compagnies Franches.

    Yes, I agree, it's a good basis for an ImagiNation light infantry uniform! :-)

    Thanks for commenting.



  3. P.S. Look at this post too: http://flintlockandtomahawk.blogspot.com/2009/09/compagnies-franches-de-la-marine-by.html#comments

  4. P.P.S. And yes, the contemporary Vernet port illustrations do suggest a darker blue too. :-)

  5. P.P.P.S. And the 1757 MS from Paris of the Regiment La Marine has cuffs of a very dark blue - but I haven't seen the original, only a digital image, and of course these can vary immensely.

  6. David

    This isn't really a comment on your templates (or maybe it is?) But can I get your permission just to mention your blog (& templates) in an article I'm writing for the magazine "Lone Warrior" (the journal of the Solo Wargamers Association)?
    I want to include some sketches of my own 18th C. regimental uniforms which I based on your templates (you've seen them on my blog) and feel that I must mention you. Is this OK?

    Steve Turner

    PS You can delete this comment if you don't want it to appear on your blog.

  7. Hi Steve,

    Yes, certainly; thanks for asking. I appreciate it (and publicity is always welcome). :-)

    I'd like to see a copy of your article when it's done, too, please, if that's possible, perhaps as an easy to send electronic format like pdf? Thanks.



  8. David

    Many thanks for the permission. I'll give both you & your blog a mention, and I'll try and let you see a copy of the article once it's finished.


    PS. Again, don't hesitate to delete this comment if you don't want it to appear on your blog.

  9. Hi Steve,

    Thanks. :-)

    No, I'm quite happy for the comments to stay - all part and parcel of blog comings and goings. ;-)




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