Flag List Pages

Saturday 16 October 2010

Trooper, Saxon Garde du Corps 1756

According to Johannes Eichhorn and Eberhard Boltze (details differ slightly). Text to follow sometime...


  1. A handsome combination, I think...

  2. Super! Yet another template I'll have to download and add to my uniforms database - thanks David.

    By the way, the article for the Solo Wargamer's Association I mentioned is now all but ready. If you'd like to see it then you'll need to let me know where to send it, or I could place it on 3rd party file sharing site (like rapidshare etc.) if that would be better.
    Please let me know on one of my blogs.

    Also, please feel free to delete this comment if you'd rather it didn't appear on your blog.


  3. Hi Bill,

    Yes, indeed. :-) Thanks for commenting.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Steve,

    Thanks - glad you like it. :-)

    Ah good - I look forward to seeing the article and will indeed reply on one of your blogs.



  5. David

    Thanks for your comments (left on my blog) about the LW article - they were much appreciated.

    I have tried to answer your queries on my blog (on the same posting). Hope that's OK?

    Please feel free to delete this comment if you wish to.



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...