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Sunday 1 May 2011

WSS Cuirassier in tricorne

I was planning this eventually anyway but Jean-Louis has asked for it on the TMP 18th Century forum so here it is, rather sooner than planned!


  1. Honour to those working for us even on Workers' Day / Beltaine after a sleepless Walpurgis Night!
    (Don't know elsewhere, but in France the lily of the valley is associated with May 1st since 1561, when Charles IX instituted the tradition of offering it to all the ladies of his Court.)

    Best regards,

  2. Thanks, Jean-Louis! :-)

    The lily of the valley is also a traditional flower in some British May Day celebrations too!

    All the best,


  3. Sir Davaid, I was able to obtain a unit of Bavarian Cuirassiers from Phil Olley and I must say your drawing really does them justice. I'll have to break out my WSS army for a review...

  4. I need to let you know that I have nominated you for the "Stylish Blogger Award". Your plates are delightful and I appreciated a lot that you depicted yourself as Antonio Canova.



  5. Wow! ...do you imagine David who's thinking about giving some use to this plate in a next future? :)

    ...just some time to find a suitable foundry and place a cuirasses order for, let's say, two regiments...

    ...and let's have an unpleasant surprise for Philip V's army after winter 1713! :D

  6. Hi Bill,

    Glad you like it; thanks. I look forward to seeing your WSS army on parade!

    All the best,


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Fabrizio,

    Thank you very much and for your kind comments! I shall get onto trying to think of some witty and interesting things to say on my blog tomorrow. :-)

    My wife tells me I looked very much like the Canova portrait when I was younger - sadly that is no longer quite the case...

    All good wishes,


    P.S. I'm enjoying your Torgau blog but my apologies for not commenting more - I must try harder!

    2 May 2011 02:20

  9. Hi Lluis,

    Thanks; glad you like it. I look forward to seeing it on your blog - and to hearing how the new cuirassier units give Catalonia's enemies a very hard time!

    All good wishes,


    P.S. I hope to do your miquelet template before too long.

  10. I had that exact post from Kirsten about 3 weeks ..best send it on its way to its cyber doom ...and I have to say I am not all that sure about this blogger award thing either..

  11. Indeed CH - have consigned to it its cyberdoom.



  12. Hi again David,

    Besides of running the http://what-if-catalonia.blogspot.com/ WSS Imagi-Nation am also webmaster of the Catalan language webzine www.wargames.cat, as well as also run the blogs http://desperta-ferro-ed.blogspot.com/ and http://soldadets.blogspot.com/. A couple of these websites have been nominated for "Stylish Blogger Award".

    As a consequence, I've also suggested your excellent blog for a "Stylish Blogger Award". More info at http://desperta-ferro-ed.blogspot.com/2011/05/stylish-blogger-award.html

    Best wishes :)

  13. Hi Lluis,

    Thank you! I must write a post on my blog about this very shortly.

    All the best,


  14. Hello, I think the medals are very cool. Are there any templates for them or can you suggest a design site or software to use?


  15. Hi EEB,

    I'm glad you like them (though not all of the medals on this blog were created by me - but naturally I think the best were! ;-)). I think the best software to use is a vector drawing program, like Xara's Designer Pro which I use (there is also a cheaper but very capable non-pro version): http://stats.xaraonline.com/ID.874855/product.XaraXtremeCD/redirectid.DesignerHome/affiliate.html Or you could use the freeware Inkscape: www.inkscape.org A Google search will bring up many free and/or Public Domain vector files, often in .eps, .ai or .svg format (Inkscape's native format). Many medal files in .svg format, often PD, can be found on the vast Wikimedia site: www.wikimedia.org

    Good luck!




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