Flag List Pages

Friday 3 February 2012

Colours of French Artois Infantry Regiment - French infantry in Canada series No.6

We are near to completing the French in Canada flag series with this, the Artois regiment.

First raised 1610, the 2 battalion infantry regiment Artois supplied its 2nd battalion (13 companies strong) for the war in Canada. It arrived in 1755, garrisoned Louisbourg and was captured at the capitulation of the fortress in July 1758. The captured battalion was sent to Great Britain and exchanged at Calais in December 1758. Only the ordonnance flag was carried in Canada but the colonel's colour is shown here for completeness.


  1. Thank you, Ray and Bill. :-)

    The last French Canada flag to follow soon... Regiment Bearn.



  2. Hi , love your blog....fascinating, loads of great stuff. You don't happen to have the Flags for the Garde Suisse?

  3. Hi John,

    Thanks - glad you like the blog.

    I don't have those flags at the moment, I'm afraid, but can certainly add them to my list of flags and other things to do. It may take me a while, though, as the list is fairly long now! So if you're not in a hurry it will turn up sometime in the not too distant future... :-)



  4. No Problem David! In the meantime I am hooked on all the other stuff you have,,....that should keep me going for a long while! Keep it up! Your Blog is outstanding!

  5. Hi John,

    Thanks; will do. :-)

    The Gardes Suisses' flag is now officially added to the To Do list so will appear eventually.




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...