Flag List Pages

Thursday 17 January 2013

Minden French Flags Project - Regiment Touraine

First raised 1624, Touraine was a 2 battalion regiment and at Minden formed a brigade with the 2 battalion Regiment d'Aumont. Touraine fought very well at the battle of Krefeld in 1758.

The same pattern of colours was carried from 1657 to 1791.

And this plate shows the uniform and flags in 1757:


  1. Hello David.
    Chris Kendrick advised me to contact you as a person who can help me with WSS Hannoverian flags.

  2. Hi Maciek,

    Thanks for the query. I see from your question on Warflag etc. that you think Kuhn possibly inaccurate for the WSS. I don't actually have any more definitive sources for Hannover, I'm afraid. If you do find better information, please let me know and we can take it from there.

    If I'm doing flags as a commission from scratch, as I would be with WSS Hannoverian flags, I charge a minimum of £3 per flag which, given all the work involved, is not, I think, at all excessive - I would need to charge more if the flags are especially complex. I know wargamers often feel that more than 50p per flag is usurious but that is for mass-produced flags which are sold by the hundred and so for them the artist gets a good return on his work from the sheer volume sold.

    Anyway, please let me know how you get on finding out more and we can discuss terms if you are still interested in a commission.



  3. Sir David, Your French Flags of Minden project is off to a great start. Thanks for all your effort.

  4. David,
    thank you for kind reply.
    Actually I'm only looking for informations, as I do all my flags by myself (you can see them on my blog).
    If I find any new data for Hanoverians in WSS I'll post it at my blog or at Yahoo group.

    BTW. I know the scope of work required to do wargaming flags and I think that your prices are very fair.

  5. Hi Bill,

    Thank you! Glad you like the flags...

    All the best,


  6. Hi Maciek,

    Righty ho - that's fine! :-)

    I hope you can find out more as I'd be keen to know more about WSS Hanoverian flags - you can never have too much reliable flag information. :-) Thanks.



    P.S. I have found the odd fragment of information that may be relevant e.g. this flag captured at Dixmude in 1695 looks suspiciously Hanoverian: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b55005647g/f33.item

  7. P.S. I think these from the same site are almost certainly Hanoverian too: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b55005647g/f97.planchecontact.r=drapaux.langEN see 98, 100 and probably 105.

  8. P.P.S. And I think that, having checked, at least the running horse flags are represented in Kuhn's Hanover volume on the WSS so this MS is possibly the source?


  9. David,
    Gallica (Triomphes ...") flags no 98 and 100 are definitely Hanoverian, but Kuhn atributed it to two differnt regiments while Belaubre identified them as leib- and batalionsfahne of one regiment.
    No 105 is Hessian.
    No 33 LOOKS like Hanoverian although thistles are a bit suspicious.
    The problem is that these are only documented Hanoverian flags while Kuhn shows much more, majority been redrawn at Warflag site
    http://www.warflag.com/flags/wss/wsshanover.shtml .
    Unfortunatelly he didn't cite sources for:
    - Guards (?! looks like randomly composed from Hanoverian symbols)
    - Mecklenburg Strelitz (looks like variation of No33)
    - Tozin, Hulsen St Pol (too similar to SYW model)

  10. I'll copy our discusion to lacewars group if possible. It better place to dicuss nad maybe more people will join.

  11. Thanks for the detailed comments, Maciek. Hopefully someone will have mroe sources - otherwise the available flags are rather limited! A good idea to post on the LaceWars group too. I've not been working on WSS flags for as long as I have SYW so have less material on them - and sources like Belaubre arte prohibitively expensive to buy s/h.




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