Flag List Pages

Monday 11 November 2013

New - Coming Soon - Rossbach French Infantry Flags Project - and what about future uniform templates?

As I've nearly completed all the French infantry flags from Minden which I planned to do I thought I'd continue the focus on the French by starting a little project to do most of the French infantry flags from Rossbach. It was certainly not one of the glory days for the French army but one pleasant advantage of this project for me is that instantly some are done already, as a few regiments at Minden were also at Rossbach! Rossbach also gives me chance to draw some of the Swiss infantry flags, which I particularly like and which have not featured on this blog before. If I find the energy and time I may even do some of the German French infantry flags, which on the whole are rather more complex and elaborate than those of the native French infantry so require much more work. I've so far avoided doing those for Minden, as some of you may have noticed.

I've also been thinking about possible new uniform templates. I've not done any for a long time, having lacked the inspiration, time and energy. If anyone has any ideas for templates they'd like to see then please leave your suggestion(s) and I'll see what's possible or tickles my interest. I won't promise to do all those suggested but it will help if you give me some ideas. Thanks!

[Update Sunday 17th November: Well, it seems that at the moment there's no interest in new uniform templates! That saves me some work, anyway... ]


  1. Sounds good Dave, are you game enough to tackle the Rossbach Reich Army Flags at a later date?

  2. Do you mean "Am I willing to put lots of effort into complicated flags about which there's much contentious debate and little reliable information?" ;-)


    Thanks for commenting.



  3. There's not much interest in new uniform templates, it seems...


  4. I just purchased some 15mm French Old Glory units that are intended for Rossbach, so this is really good news. Two are Swiss, two are German and the remaining three are French, so I also hope you do the German. Your flags are great!

    Regards, Bill

  5. Hi Bill,

    Thanks; glad you like them. :-)

    I'll be posting more soon - and yes, I would like to do some of the German flags...



  6. Are new builders of Imagi-Nations too lazy to use your templates, or are they unaware of their existence? Then, many 'fictional' Maurice campaigns simply use historical armies fielded under another name.

    When Eureka issues the Grassin cavalry, a template would be precious for Imagi-Native rulers. The same if and when their new '18th C. female soldiers' Sandras (Eureka100 Club) reach production?

  7. Hi Jean-Louis,

    Yes, I wonder sometimes too! A Grassin cavalryman is certainly something I can do. Not quite sure how I'd approach the Sandras though - perhaps simply using the pre-existing templates would work rather than needing to produce new ones with breasts! As you know, I prefer to produce historical uniforms that can then be used as ImagiNation-ers see fit...

    Thanks for commenting.



  8. You provided uniform templates for all Lace Wars types available in miniatures of wargaming size -and more, far more. Hence the lack of interest for new templates; once new types (historical or not) become available, people will want the corresponding template(s).

  9. Hi Jean-Louis,

    Yes, you're probably right about that! It's perhaps also the way that templates on the blog are not so easy to see or find, especially for people new to the blog. I'm planning some web pages to display the templates better but it's a slow business organising them.

    I've made a start on the Grassin cavalryman but it will take a while to finish...

    All the best,


  10. I'd like to see the 1767-1774, 74-87, and 87-95 Royal Navy uniforms, as well as the short lived 1783-87 full dress uniform for flag officers.


Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...