Flag List Pages

Sunday 28 December 2014

Season's Greetings!

I hope everyone has been having a decent Xmas holiday. No prizes for guessing what the seasonal header image shows - yes, it's Washington's crossing of the Delaware River on the night of 25th/26th December 1776 on his way to trounce the Hessians at Trenton. Jolly unsporting spending the season of goodwill to stage an attack like that, what! ;-)

I have sadly been neglecting the blog of late for a variety of reasons - real life does get in the way, doesn't it? I hope to post a new flag and/or template very shortly. In the meantime, a Happy New Year to all.




  1. Hope you had a great Xmas, and have a great New Year too. I'll look forward to a few more of your excellent flags in the new year!

  2. Sir David, Thanks for the special Christmas message! Glad to see you are posting again...Bill

  3. Most sincere wishes for the New Year!

  4. And a most wonderful, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you too, sir.

    -- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein

  5. I look forward to reading your next post.
    Thank you, a happy new year to you too!

  6. Thanks, Ray, Bill, Jean-Louis, Jeff and Simmy!

    More to come next year. :-)

    All the best,


  7. David
    As always your blog really has some intesting posts. I may not leave many comments, but I do visit here whenever I get the chance. Look forward to the new flag and/or template.
    Cheers, and have a happy and prosperous New Year.

    Steve Turner

  8. Sorry for posting a second comment David, but is there any chance of you posting the Sardinian Guard uniforms in something other than .jpg format?
    I'm at last working on a new army for that "Imagination" in my 18th campaign (With Fife & Drum) and (as with all the other armies in the game) would like to keep a pictorial record of the unit. Great though they are, unfortunately the .jpg format leave a great deal to be desired when adding colour to your basic B&W drawings.

    Anyway, here's hoping,

    Steve Turner

  9. Thanks, Steve. A Happy New Year to you too!

    Do you mean these templates? http://nba-sywtemplates.blogspot.co.uk/2009/02/fusilier-and-grenadier-of-sardinian.html

    The blank ones are in PNG format - it's only the coloured one that's in JPEG format. Let me know if I've got it right, please!

    And I look forward to seeing your new ImagiNation plates, if possible. :-)



  10. P.S. I thought I'd better check so I tried filling in one of the templates I mentioned in colour and it worked OK with no problems.



  11. Oops, sorry David, I now realise my mistake. I downloaded the sketch from the previous posting which was a .jpg graphic (the "coming next" posting).
    Pays to read everything properly doesn't it?

    Anyway, I've now downloaded the correct sketches and am already at work producing my own "imagination" units for the army. They'll be a sort of cross between the earlier white coated regiments (War of the Austrian Succession) and the later blue coated designs (around 1750 or later).

    Cheers, and thanks for pointing out my mistake.


  12. That's OK, Steve. It happens to us all at some time or other!

    Hope you enjoy putting together your ImagiNation illustrations and hope to see them. Good luck!



  13. David,
    Slowly working my way through drawings of my latest ImagiNation units. Based upon the Sardinia/Savoy army between 1730-1755 I've been employing Stephen Manley's wargamer's guide on the subject (for the uniforms) together with your own sketches, as well as some research on the internet for the flags (quite a diffcult subject). As with all my other ImagiNations I haven't kept strictly to historical accuracy but have added my own twists here and there.
    I hope to post a few drawings sometime on a blog.

    Steve Turner

  14. Hi Steve,

    Sounds good - and I look forward to seeing some of your finished designs.

    I have some material on the flags of Sardinia and could send you a picture or two, if they'd be useful.

    Thanks for posting an update!



  15. David,

    All info would be welcomed, although
    I have found a great deal of material on this site:


    Not sure what flag details I'm still missing still, but certainly most of the flags for the "Provincial" regts. aren't easily researched (probably because they seem to have been disbanded early). However, from what little research I've carried out they appear to have carried flags with the Savoy cross (white cross on a red background) with their own provincial coat of arms in the top right-hand corner. But don't quote me on this!
    Nevertheless, that's how I'm drawing them.


  16. Hi Steve,

    That's a good site with much information. I do have a diagram of details of Provincial Regiment flags which I can email you, if you can let me have an email address; I don't have one for you. It would be best for security if you sent me it via a message through my contact form on the blog (top left).




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...