Flag List Pages

Sunday 2 August 2015

Rossbach French Flags Project - Swiss Regiment Salis [De Salis-Mayenfeld]

Regiment Salis [De Salis-Mayenfeld] First raised 1st June 1734 from companies recruited in the canton of Grisons, although a company of the Baron de Travers from the regiment d'Affry became its colonel's company. 2 battalions. Ranked 102nd in the Seven Years War.

In the SYW it was at Hastenbeck (where Captain Salutz was wounded); Rossbach (where Captain Castelberg and Ensign Schouhe were lost*; these relatively slight officer casualties, especially compared with e.g. Swiss regiments Planta and Diesbach, suggest it was not heavily engaged, even though the regiment was on the right of the mass of French and allied infantry where the second Prussian cavalry charge took place); Krefeld; and Clostercamp. After 1760 it spent the rest of the war guarding the coast of France.

[*Susane's volumes on the French infantry list officer casualties for all the Swiss regiments at Rossbach and it is interesting to compare them. I shall draw up a table when I have completed the flags for the Swiss units.]

Here are the flags for Salis:

And this is the uniform and flag plate from the 1757 MS:


  1. Sir David, Great addition, what a talent...Bill

  2. Quite interesting, what background stood behind this regiment - I did not know that. Thank you for this post - I am planning some new Swiss regiments, so I feel very inspired.

  3. Thanks, Ray and Bill!

    Hi Peter, I'm glad they inspire you; thanks. More Rossbach Swiss to come! :-)

    All the best,



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