Flag List Pages

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Flags of French Irish Infantry Regiment Dillon

I promised some of the French Irish flags a long time ago but here are some at last, those of the regiment Dillon, as carried from 1739-1791:

First raised 1690 from Irish refugees from the campaign in Ireland. In the Irish Brigade in Germany from 1757-1762, according to Susanne's History. Distinguished in the defence of Marbourg February 1761 and at the battle of Vellinghausen July 16th 1761. In various garrisons in France after the war ended.

And here is the uniform during the Seven Years War:

(I shall post the flags of Clare and Bulkeley soon; they followed the same pattern but with different colours. I shall eventually post the flags of all the French Irish units at the time of the Seven Years War.)


  1. Good to see the 1690 'Wild Geese' getting a mention, led by Mountcashel. 'Popular' history only ever seems to remember Sarsfield in 1691.
    Great post - and I can definitely use these flags.

  2. Thanks, Duc! Glad you like them and can use them. I shall post the rest soon, starting with the similar ones of Clare and Bulkeley. I have a definite soft spot for the "Wild Geese". :-)

    Please send me pictures of them in use if and when you have some; thanks.



  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Ray. Glad you like them :-).

    I shall probably do Clare and Bulkeley before returning to the Prussian flags.



  4. Sir David very nice indeed!!!captbill

  5. Thanks, Bill. Glad you like them. :-)

    I am now working on the flags of Clare and will post them in the next day or so; then it will be the flags of Bulkeley, after which I'll be back with the Prussians again.

    Hope all's well with you.



  6. Very nice.

    It was a real surprise to see you posting again here. It's a shame, that I already gave flags to my Irish brigade. Nevertheless I find your work impressive and I'm persuaded to reflag my troops.


  7. Thanks, André. Sorry to create extra work for you! But I feel it's worth it (but I would say that, wouldn't I? ;-)).

    Yes, I haven't given up on the blog but in recent years it's been tricky with health problems and other things to put in the regular effort that's needed to produce new posts. It all takes quite a lot of time and effort!

    I enjoyed your post about your refight of Fontenoy on your blog. (I did try posting a comment there but I'm not sure it went through OK.)




Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...