Flag List Pages

Saturday 6 June 2020

Flags of French Irish Regiment Berwick

These are the flags carried from 1698-1791:

(The flags look smaller but are in fact at the same resolution 300 dpi and size as previous flags; I think it's the way blogger displays them. This set is taller than previous flag sets and so in appearance is shrunk by the blog. When you download the file, it should be OK.)

Formed 1698 from the remnants of various Irish units. Its history seems obscure. According to Susane, in the Seven Years War, it was with the Army of Germany in 1757, in the battle of "Haastembeck" (Hastenbeck) and the conquest of Hanover, then at the battles of Krefeld and "Lutzelberg" (Lutterberg). It was then at Minden in 1759. From 1760 to 1762 it served on the coast of France. This history differs dramatically from that recounted in Kronoskaf.

If anyone can point me at a fuller and probably more reliable history of the regiment, I would be grateful.

And this is the uniform as it was at the beginning of the Seven Years War:

(I am posting these flags and this uniform plate in order to keep the impetus going a little, as I last posted on the 28th May; I have been out of action most of the past week with painful eye trouble, which is now improving, fortunately. I shall return to Prussian flags as soon as I can.)


  1. it's always a feast for the eyes

    best regards


  2. Thanks very much, Ronald. Glad you like it. And thanks for making the effort to comment; I do appreciate it. It's people's comments that keep me going!

    All the best,


  3. Been away for a bit, I see that you have been busy creating more beautiful flags. I do hope that your eye condition continues to improve. I find that mine are growing less serviceable as I grow older.

    Keep up the good work! There are few people in your league and none of them are kind enough to give away such wonderful art for free!


  4. Thanks, Anton. I do appreciate the encouraging comments. My eyes are still very sore and I have to ration my computer use as staring at the monitor is not good for them. Yes, eye deterioration does seem to be one of the problems with ageing, doesn't it?

    I have more Prussian flags ready to post, as soon as I can finish the regimental write ups, which often take far more time than the flag drawing.

    All the best,


  5. All very useful thank you David, hope your eyes are better now. Chris G

  6. Thanks, Chris. Look forward to seeing them in action on your blog sometime! The eyes do seem rather better at the moment, thanks, with hefty use of eye drops...

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...