Flag List Pages

Friday 10 July 2020

A question about the content of my flag posts...

At the moment I have 3 sets of Prussian flags from Rossbach waiting to be posted. It takes me quite some time to write up the text of the regimental histories and I could probably produce more flags more quickly if I did not include them. Is it worth continuing with the more or less detailed text? Or should I strip down the postings to include just the flags and probably the uniforms? Or does the text add value and interest to the posts? Some I quite enjoy myself e.g. the one for the unusual IR19. I look forward to hearing what people think; the more the merrier! Thanks, in anticipation.

And a shot of some of my semi-factual Austrian flags in action just to give this post some eye-candy content! :-)


  1. Gotta admit. I like the unit info along with the flags?

  2. Its really u to you and what floats your boat to keep you interested and blogging.
    Personally I enjoy the blurb.


  3. Keep up the good work sir.
    Amazing stuff and look forward to more.
    Do you do requests? ;)

  4. Your Austrian semi-factual flags look nice.

    As for your question on content, if you derive pleasure from writing up the unit histories, by all means, please continue! I especially enjoy histories that deviate or expand upon those histories as presented in the kronoskaf website. What ever you decide, I will be grateful.

  5. I’m kind of torn on this one! I love your flags and want more, more, more, but I also love the history bits. Overall I’d say keep the history and there are a good read and make a nice addition to the artwork.

  6. Thank you everyone for your helpful and supportive comments. I'd say that's a pretty positive vote for the history text so I'll continue doing it. I will also continue to try to make it different material from the spiel on the Kronoskaf site, as Jonathan says, otherwise there is not much point.

    Glad you like the Austrian-style flags, Jonathan! Thanks.

    And yes, Duc, I am certainly willing to consider requests for specific flags so please do tell me what you have in mind. At the very least I can add them to my list of possibles. The flags of the French Compagnies Franches de la Marine were on that list, admittedly for a very long time, but I did do them eventually so there is hope... :-)

    Thanks again, everyone.

    All the best,


  7. Great flags and a little historical background is useful. Cheers Greg (Delta Coy Blog)

  8. Thanks, Greg. Glad you like them. :-)

    Yes, I'll be sticking with the historical texts!

    All the best,


  9. Oh and I'm glad you love the flags, Peter! Thanks. All positive comments help keep me going... :-)

    All the best,


  10. David keep up the excellent work on your blog, it is my go to place for flag and uniform ideas. I like the way yo do your post and the more information the better.
    I am impressed with the high standard you achieve on each and every post.
    Would have commented early I did not realise that I could leave a comment.
    Keep the information and fantastic flags coming, well done BZ.

    Willz Harley.

  11. Thank you very much for your encouraging comment, Willz. Everyone who has commented has been pretty keen on the text so I shall definitely continue doing it. More Prussian flags will be along soon!

    All the best,


  12. Sir David, Please post some of your semi-Austrian flags, they are spectacular!!! Bill

  13. Another vote for keeping the histories - even where the flags aren't immediately relevant to my own gaming, I do enjoy reading the history.

  14. I absolutely love the additional information. A pretty flag is eye-catching, but a regiment with an heroic history and snazzy uniform make me want to paint the minis!

  15. Hi Bill,

    The largely historical (but not entirely!) Austrian flags were a commission and, although I do own the copyright, the chap who commissioned them is very pleased to be the only person with such flags at present! Consequently I don't feel I can post any of them for some time; but I can post more pictures of them in action.

    Sorry about that.

    All the best,


  16. Thanks for the helpful comment, fireymonkeyboy. I think opinion is pretty unanimous on keeping the historical texts!

    All the best,


  17. Thanks for commenting, Anton. You put the case for the historical texts very eloquently! (And that means I'm far more likely to see pictures of my flags in action... ;-))

    All the best,


  18. I can see the reason, why you prefer to offer your flags with some extra content. I think, that it makes your blog more original. It's the same with your old postings, when you told about the problems with different sources. The colour of flags is'nt easy to Research, even if you have original flags still existing today (often we don't know how old they are really or if they are just old copies etc.).

    Chapeau for your work on your blog. I will reflag my Irish ... in time. :-)

  19. Thanks for the thoughtful comment, André. It's certainly true that being sure of flag colours is difficult! Even where actual flags have survived, their colours have probably changed greatly with time and wear. And of course in the past they were not so bothered by the thought of consistency, or obeying the rules and regulations, as we are, so there may well never have been a constant use of a single colour of any object even within a regiment. ;-)

    This past week I have been working on text for the next Prussian flags to post, plus uniform plates for the French Minden flags that don't have them (quite a few), plus work on a couple of French Minden flags which I had not already done. So although nothing has yet been posted I have been busy working behind the scenes!

    I look forward to seeing pictures of your newly reflagged Irish some time! :-)

    Thanks again.

    All the best,


  20. Dear David,
    your texts on the history and curiosities of the regiments are very interesting. If you can, please continue to write them. Thank you.
    Best regards

  21. Thank you, Simone. Yes, I will continue with the historical texts, even though they slow down my posting; they do seem pretty popular! Thanks for commenting and giving your view on this.

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...