Flag List Pages

Sunday 4 April 2021

Flags of Regiments Rot (or Roth) and Blau Würzburg

I did these some time ago and then edited them somewhat last year in response to a discussion with Frederic Aubert on a Facebook wargaming site as my originals were not really up to date any more. I still feel that the heraldry is not quite right so will update them again if I should find something definitive about that. I offer them here as an interim posting to keep things ticking over while I finish off the next Prussian flags, those of IR8; as always, the text takes much longer than creating the flags and uniforms.

Rot Würzburg is famous for its defence of the walled churchyard at Leuthen against the Prussians. Both regiments were vastly superior to the majority of Reichsarmee regiments in the Seven Years War, although strictly they were not Reichsarmee but on the Austrian establishment. Long detailed accounts of their history in the war can be found on Kronoskaf and I shall not repeat or summarise those accounts here; I think my time can better be spent on completing the text for Prussian IR8!


 And these are the musketeer uniforms in the SYW:


  1. Thank you for posting the Wurzburg flags. Now I feel like I should paint both regiments for my Austrian army.

  2. Thanks; I'm glad you like them and look forward to seeing them carried by your Würzburg troops! They were probably the best of the Reichsarmee regiments, apart from Hesse-Darmstadt, although technically they were not actually part of it but on the Austrian establishment, of course... :-)

    All the best,


  3. The detail and quality on your free flag service is incredible - its almost (almost!) tempting me to start a SYW collection just to use the flags! Any chance you could do something similar for Swedes in the Great Northern War?! I have about ten or twelve I have sourced from various locations but still many absent

  4. Those are lovely David and I may use them for my ImagiNations 'Red' and 'Blue' armies. Heresy I know but I guess I'm a heretic;)

  5. Beautiful! Any chance you'll be doing the standard Austrian infantry flags at some point?

  6. Thank you, Rross. That's a splendid compliment! :-) I do have GNW Swedes on my (very) long list of possibles but there is only so much time and I have only so much energy, so I cannot promise when they might appear.

    Do you know this website with an excellent collection of Swedish flags of the late 17th and into the 18th century? http://www.tacitus.nu/gnw/colours/index.htm It offers wargames flags too, although they are not very high resolution - and I think I could produce much better ones. ;-)

    All the best,


  7. Thanks, Steve. I don't think it's heresy at all; go ahead and use them! I love the whole ImagiNations approach and would be pleased to see any of my historical flags used in that way... :-) (I have done quite a few commissions of ImagiNations' flags and love to see them in action too.)

    All the best,


  8. Thanks, John. I do have mid-18th century historical Austrian flags on my list, although I am not sure when I will have time and energy to tackle them properly. I do have one of the Hungarian red flags part done, for which we have only a written description, as well as having half-done the so-called Hungarian flag of the WAS (the green one), based on an original in the HGM in Vienna. It is a very complex design and I don't think I have seen any versions of it that really show it as it was. Hopefully I'll finish those sometime in the near future; we'll see!

    All the best,


  9. Very handsome flags! I ought to field Wurzburg battalions too!

  10. Thanks, Jonathan. Yes, you should! :-)

    All the best,


  11. The flags are looking excellent - although the prince of Würzburg somehow always is some sort of an enemy. Cheers

  12. Thanks, André. :-) Enemy or not, still handsome flags though... ;-)

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...