Flag List Pages

Sunday 12 September 2021

Flag of an unknown Austrian regiment of Charles VI, as probably carried in the 1740s by the army of Maria Theresa

To keep things ticking over I present here a flag of an unknown Austrian regiment from the reign of Charles VI, which may have been carried in the early 1740s. That's about all I can say about it! There are a number of Charles VI flags for me to do, mostly from unknown regiments, which certainly cuts down the need for text, I am happy to say.

I have collected so much material for the text to go with the Reichsarmee Baden-Baden Regiment I now have to edit it down to a manageable size. Hey ho.

After I complete the flags of Prussian IR15, which are a complex job from scratch, I shall do the Prussian infantry flags of the battle of Prague; many have already been done for Rossbach and Leuthen but that still leaves 13 sets to do.

I have also already drawn the flags of the French light infantry Volontaires de Hainaut, which apparently, according to Kronoskaf, carried the flags of the Arquebusiers de Grassins. The text for that set remains to be done.


  1. Now that is a really, really nice flag IMHO! I don't know why but it just appeals to me. As always keep up the good work David:)

  2. Your fantastic flags are almost enough to convince me to invest in a SYW army, just so I can use them....almost, but not quite! I dont need another project that size any time soon.

  3. Thank you David for anther wonderful flag. I will slip this one in an imagination regiment I am working on.

    Willz Harley.

  4. Thanks, Steve. :-) The Austrian flags certainly have something, don't they? The combination of those fancy borders (often a bit of a nightmare to draw accurately in fact!) and the double headed eagles is impressive. It's a pity they became standardised so early and so the variety was lost before the SYW...

    All the best,


  5. Thanks, Keith. :-) Yes, a SYW project would have to be reasonably large to encompass some of the amazing variety of troops, so not something to embark on lightly. But how impressive armies of that period look - all those terrific flags! And the variety of uniform colours too. Wonderful! ;-)

    All the best,


  6. Thanks, Willz. :-) I look forward to seeing it in action with your troops. I know of no Leibfahne to go with it, although one possible style might be to remove the two red stripes behind the eagle to have a completely white sheet to the flag, or additionally even a small Madonna and child image at the centre of the Leibfahne eagle in place of the CVI cipher.

    All the best,


  7. Thanks, Stokes. It is rather, isn't it? :-) I have a few Charles VI flags left to draw; I wish we had a more comprehensive knowledge of flags of the period - but then that would give me a lot more work to do! ;-)

    All the best,


  8. Thanks, Jon. :-) Next I should get the flags of Baden-Baden written up and it will be briefly back to Prussians again. I'm beginning to feel spread out a bit thinly at times!

    All the best,


  9. That is a nice flag with these typical red and white and red segments.

  10. Thank you, André. :-) More to come!

    All the best,



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