Flag List Pages

Thursday 23 September 2021

Flag of yet another unknown Austrian regiment of Charles VI, as probably carried in the 1740s by the army of Maria Theresa

Here's another flag of Charles VI, as probably carried by the army of Maria Theresa in the early 1740s; the source is the HGM in Vienna. This one is unusual in not having the various coloured flames round the edge but bands of colour instead.

Having found a new contemporary source which includes quite a few Charles VI period flags, I shall be able to create and post more in the coming weeks.

I shall reveal the new source of the Charles VI flags eventually but for the moment I am enjoying the thrill of apparently being the only person who knows of it.... Ha ha ha. 😀 (I can hint that it is out there on the Internet, if people know the key words to search on... 😏)


  1. Fine work as ever David and secret words of power too!

  2. Thank you! :-) I am rather enjoying that "secret" source, I confess. Simple pleasures... ;-)

    All the best,


  3. Thanks, Jon. :-) I do very much like these Charles VI flags; it is a pity that the Austrian army standardised and simplified things so boringly by the SYW.

    All the best,


  4. Oh dear me David, yet another lovely flag! These unknown regimental flags are proving to be a real visual treat:). Looking forward to more goodies soon.

  5. Thanks, Steve. :-) I have at least another dozen or so to produce now - there may be more but the new source is a bit cryptic on some and identrification is not easy...

    All the best,


  6. Thanks, Ray. :-) It is very unusual in having the bands of colour round the edge; I know of no other like it. More to follow - but almost all with the flames of one sort or another round the edges...

    All the best,


  7. Really enjoying these "new" flags, David. Keep 'em coming!

    Best Regards,


  8. Thanks, Stokes. :-) More to come soon. It's getting tricky to juggle these and the other flags I am doing; there's a bit of a logjam of completed flags waiting for their text building up!

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...