Flag List Pages

Tuesday 5 October 2021

A speculative update on the last probable Leibfahne; 3 possible company flag variants of that flag

 Here are three possible company flag variants of that last Leibfahne; they are all quite feasible colour schemes and, in this area where we know far too little, these flags extend the possibilities and give "added value". ;-)


  1. David, you are on fire! On fire, say I! These are fantastic.

    Best Regards,


  2. Thanks very much, Stokes. Very glad you like them. :-) It makes sense with some of these Austrian Charles VI flags to milk them as much as possible, I feel! All those that seem to be Leibfahnen will, I think, get this treatment.

    All the best,


  3. Thanks for doing those David! As always they are lovely and will be very useful for ImagiNations as previously mentioned:)

  4. Once again David another fantastic selection of flags, thanks for posting.


  5. Thanks, Steve. :-) Yes, it was your comment on the Leibfahne version that prompted me to do the three coloured variants. If you use them, I'd love to see pictures!

    All the best,


  6. Thanks, Willz. :-) Doing this is certainly one good way of making the Charles VI flags go further!

    All the best,


  7. Beautiful work again and as others have said, useful for imagi-nations regiments, thank you

  8. Thanks, Chris. :-) I am rather enjoying these - even though the edge patterns can be a bit tedious to get right!

    All the best,


  9. Beautiful work once again David.

  10. Thanks, Ray. :-) I think there's a lot of similar mileage in the remaining Charles VI flags I have yet to do...

    All the best,


  11. These are fantastic David and fortuitously timed as I am just starting to collect WAS Austrians. I would love to see you have a go at some of the 'Imperial' Bavarian designs from this era, as described in Kronoskaf. Yellow with Black eagles and Bavarian check edging. Yes please!

  12. Thanks, Gundric. Glad you like them. I look forward to seeing them in action with your troops. Will you be posting pictures on a blog or website? Do you mean the 1740s period designs with the red and white check borders? I don't know of any with the blue and white Bavarian colours on the edges.

    All the best,


  13. Yes, eventually they will probably go up on some of the Facebook groups I belong to, although they will be in 6mm! The Bavarian flags I'd love to see are described on the Kronoskaf site here: http://www.kronoskaf.com/syw/index.php?title=Bavarian_Line_Infantry_Colours, in particular the 1742-45 patterns described, I can imagine they would look spectacular! According to that article the Bavarians may have simply added the imperial eagle over the top of the standard blue-white check flags.
    PS, I do love the red and white check Austrian flag you mentioned, the one that featured prominently in R. Knotel's picture of the Bayreuth Dragoons presenting Frederick II standards after Hohenfriedberg.

  14. Thanks; look forward to seeing them, even if they are going to be a bit small! Hopefully you will be able to print them at high resolution so the detail will still be there... :-) Ah yes, right - those Bavarian flags. I will certainly add them to my To Do eventually list; as you say, they sound very attractive. I also plan to do the red and white checky bordered Austrian flag as on the Knotel picture of Hohenfriedberg; I read somewhere that the Austrian flags in that picture are authentic as they were taken from the (now destroyed) captured flags in Berlin.

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...