Flag List Pages

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Prague Prussian Flags Project - Flags of Prussian Fusilier Infantry Regiment 33

Chef: Colonel Heinrich August, Baron de la Motte-Fouqué, later General of Infantry 31st December 1744-13th June 1774

Created June 26th 1740 from a previous garrison battalion of Magdeburg.

The regiment was with Schwerin in 1756 to the end of October. In the whole Seven Years War it experienced only two major battles. On May 6th 1757 Schwerin joined the King at Prague. IR33 was with the first attack on the left wing under Winterfeldt which was bloodily repulsed and the regiment lost its commander Colonel Balthasar Friedrich, Baron von der Goltz, and at least 50% of its numbers as casualties (Duffy, Army of Frederick the Great, 1st Edition) and a flag. It then formed part of the force besieging Prague.

The grenadier battalion (with IR42) lost up to 90% casualties at Kolin on 18th June 1757 (Duffy, Army of Frederick the Great, 1st Edition).

In 1758 it formed part of the King's army trying to encircle Olmütz and then served in Silesia under Margrave Karl, then Fouqué.

It was with the King again in 1759, at Neisse in April that year, and finally at Landeshut where, on June 23rd 1760 it fought to defend the Bober Heights against overwhelming Austrian forces under Loudon but was ultimately captured. Fouqué's corps lost 1927 dead and over 8000 wounded and captured in the fight; Fouqué himself was wounded and captured.


The illustration above is by Menzel from Kugler's history of Frederick and shows Fouqué's capture at Landeshut

In a famous tale of the battle, Fouqué, already wounded in the head and with sword cuts to the arm and back, was about to be struck a fatal last blow by an Austrian cavalryman but saved by the self-sacrificing actions of a groom called Trautschke who threw himself in the way of the sword blow. "Fouqué was rescued by Colonel Carl Voith von Salzburg of the Löwenstein Chevaulegers, who brought up his parade horse to have him carried away. 'He refused, saying "I would only ruin your fine saddlery." Voith replied, "no, it would gain enormously from being stained with the blood of a hero!"" (Duffy, By Force of Arms, page 238) Later, when Fouqué was taunted by a "churlish or shameless" officer for the defeat of his Corps and other Austrian officers tried to silence him, Fouqué said "Let him be. You know how it goes in war; today it's my turn, tomorrow it's yours!" (also Duffy, by Force of Arms) Zieten led the remnants of the Prussian troops to Breslau. The King was deeply shocked by the loss of his favourite Fouqué and his Corps but said that he had fought like a Roman and commended the struggle to his other generals. Fouqué was almost the last of Frederick's close confidants now that Wnterfeldt was dead. IR33 was refilled in 1763 from the former Saxon regiment of Prince Maximilian. In 1784 the King was highly critical of the regiment, although he approved of the grenadiers.

And this was the uniform in 1756:


  1. More wonderful SYW goodies, I have a 28mm fusilier battalion on the workbench. This is going to be IR33, thanks for posting David.


    1. Thank you, Willz! :-) Look forward to seeing them; good luck with the work.

      Just 3 more flag sets to complete the Prague Prussian Infantry Project now...

      All the best,


  2. Very simple and elegant, which just adds to the charm of these flags. Great work as ever David:).

    1. Thank you, Steve. :-) Yes, they are indeed simple but elegant, aren't they? The final 3 sets of flags are similar; I've done all the exciting ones for Prague now!

      All the best,


    2. I agree, Steve! I am somewhat surprised that IR33 is not already in my Prussian army.

    3. Thanks, Jon. :-) Those fusilier caps are certainly striking, although the regiment did have a rather rough SYW!

      All the best,


  3. Beautiful flags and excellent history. Well done sir!

    1. Thanks, Mark. :-) Fouqué was a pretty rough and tough character, and he made life difficult for the Austrians after they captured him. In fact he managed to sour relations between the Austrians and Prussians to such an extent that life for all POWs on both sides became much worse. A strange legacy!

      All the best,


  4. Another great set of flags! Brilliant work!

    1. Thanks, Ray! :-) Despite the flags being relatively simple for Prussian flags, the blue is certainly striking, isn't it?

      All the best,


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Roger! :-) I must add up all the Prussian flags I have done to see how many I have left to do to complete the set of all Prussian infantry flags., which is my aim.

      All the best,



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