Flag List Pages

Saturday 12 March 2022

My flags "in action" - and a SYW wargame of the battle of Moys...

Willz Harley has kindly sent me more pictures of my flags with his splendid troops. He has been very busy painting lately! Here is a sample beginning with Prussian IR17:

and next Prussian IR 5:


Next, Prussian IR37:

A Prussian garrison regiment:

Next, Prussian IR6:

And the last of Willz's pictures for now, the French Grenadiers de France:

Konstantinos Antoniadis uses many of my French flags in his splendid and extensive 15mm army and they can be seen in many of the pictures on Flickr here:https://www.flickr.com/photos/142494696@N04/

Nigel Billington has been using my French flags and they can be seen looking good with his excellent figures on his blog here, for instance: https://nigbilpainter.blogspot.com/2022/01/28mm-syw-french-infantry-ir14-poitou.html and here: https://nigbilpainter.blogspot.com/2021/12/28mm-syw-french-infantry-ir25-limousin.html and here: https://nigbilpainter.blogspot.com/2021/11/28mm-syw-french-infantry-ir86-comte-de.html

And finally for now, I am very pleased to say that I have actually had a SYW wargame, the first in a very long time, thanks to the kindness and generosity of Jon Freitag, an American gamer. It was a remote game, using Zoom. We refought the Battle of Moys 1757 and you can find a very detailed and well illustrated account here: https://palousewargamingjournal.blogspot.com/2022/03/combat-of-moys-battle-report.html?showComment=1647032500554#c8142437012420189917

Here is a snapshot from the battle, showing my Austrian grenadiers, after a bloody fight to expel the Prussian grenadiers holding it, in possession of the Jackelsberg hill which they successfully held onto for the rest of the game:

Jon also uses my French flags and they can be seen on his blog: https://palousewargamingjournal.blogspot.com/2022/03/french-regiments-beauvoisis-and-la.html and https://palousewargamingjournal.blogspot.com/2022/02/french-regiments-provence-and-cosse.html for example.


  1. Superb unifomrs and great paint job!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Phil. Willz and everyone I mentioned using my flags certainly do a great job with their troops. :-)

      All the best,


  2. Great to see you were able to get a game in with Jon and a victory to boot:)! Always good to see the Austrians beating the Prussians and as always Jon put on a lovely looking game. Looking forward to more of the same.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Yes, it was a great game and it is indeed good to see the Austrians winning! We're both working out what battle to game next; I'm trying to find one where the Austrians do not so massively outnumber the Prussians...

      All the best,


  3. David, thanks for the mention of my blog and our recent Moys battle. Your flags are works of art.

    1. My pleasure, Jon. It was wonderful introduction to gaming remotely. I can see why you enjoy it so much! And thanks for the compliment on the flags. I think your troops look great too. The two complement each otehr very nicely. :-)

      All the best,


  4. Thank you for posting images of my soldiers I am humbled and honoured David. Your flags a fantastic and really make units stand out.


    1. Thanks, Willz. It is a pleasure to do it - the flags would not look so good without nicely painted troops to go with them! As I said to Jon above, troops and flags do complement each other. :-)

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...