Flag List Pages

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Flags of French regiments disbanded 1749: Flags of French Regiment Beaujolais

Beaujolais first raised June 1685. One battalion.

Summary of its service (from Susane):

    1690 : Army of the Alps
    1691 : Conquest of Savoy and Nice
    1693 : Battle of Marsaglia (4th October))
    1696 : Army of the Rhine
    1701 : Army of Germany, then to the Army of Italy; battle of Chiari
    1702 : Combat of Santa Vittoria; taking of Luzzara and Borgoforte
    1703 : Expedition to the Tyrol
    1704 : Sieges of Verceil, Ivrée and Vérue. The colonel, killed before Verceil, was replaced by his       brother Etienne Le Ménestral de Hauguel de Lutteaux 20th July 1704
    1705 : Battle of Cassano (16th August))
    1706 : Battle of Castiglione
    1707-11: Army of Dauphiné
    1712: Army of the Rhine
    1713 : Sieges of Landau and Fribourg
    1719 : Army of the Pyrenees
    1733 : Occupation of Lorraine
    1742 : Army of Flanders
    1743 : Army of the Lower Rhine; battle of Dettingen
    1744 and 1745 : Defence of Alsace
    1746 : Siege of Namur; battle of Rocoux
    1747 : Went to Provence. Retaking of the Isles of Sainte Marguerite; conquest of the County of Nice; combat of the Assiette, where the colonel Jacques Gabriel Bazin Marquis de Bezons was seriously wounded
    1748 : Campaigns on the Rivière de Gênes, Italy
    10th February 1749 : incorporated in the Regiment de Traisnel, which became Beaujolais, and the grenadiers sent to the Grenadiers de France
And this was the uniform in the 1740s:


  1. Both flag and regimental history are very interesting. There was a battle at Castligione in 1706? I must investigate.

    1. Thanks, Jon. :-) It is a cheery one, isn't it? Looks a bit like a 1960s furniture design... Castiglione was a fairly small battle by WSS standards but looks quite interesting; the sort of game it would be relatively easy to recreate on the wargames table.

      All the best,


  2. Now I do like that flag! The uniform is nice and simple too, with the red cuffs a nice detail.

    1. Thanks, Steve. :-) So do I; what a pity some of these designs were dropped by the French after 1749...

      All the best,


  3. Unfortunately I already have enough of French units for my Rocoux scenario (as you can see on our blog).
    Very nice to see you other flags from units which were disbanded before the SYW too.
    How do you think about TYW-flags?

    1. Thanks, André.:-) Can you ever have enough French units, though. ;-)

      Some of the French flags I have already posted go back to the period of the TYW but I have not specifically targeted that period. However, I do hope to produce very many more French flags so no doubt will be creating more of the early models in time.

      All the best,



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