Flag List Pages

Thursday 28 July 2022

French Cavalry Standards - Colonel-Général Cavalry Regiment

Probably first raised in 1634 by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar and ceded to France in 1635. Made the premier French cavalry regiment by Royal order of the 29th May 1645 with numerous privileges and became Colonel-Général on the 24th April 1657.

Unusually it was 3 squadrons strong and increased to 4 squadrons in 1761.

Stations and actions:

1730: In the camp of the Sambre
1733: In the Army of the Rhine; siege of Kehl
1734: Ettlengen and Philippsburg
1735: Klausen; at the peace stationed at Monzon
1741: Army of Bohemia; Prague, Piseck, Frauenberg
1743 February; returned to France
1744: At St Quentin then in Flanders
1745: Battle of Fontenoy
1746: Brussels; battle of Rocoux
1747: Battle of Lauffeld
1748: Siege of Maastricht
1749: Vesoul
1751: Belfort then Valenciennes
1753: At the camp of Aimeries-sur-Sambres
1754: Limoges
1756: Strasbourg
1757: On the right wing at the battle of Hastenbeck July 26th.
1758: At the battle of Krefeld on the right wing of the first line
1759: With the main army under Contades and at Minden August 1st. Heavy losses at Minden and so sent to the rear afterwards.
1761: Reformed the 1st December; reorganised at Gray the 1st April
1763: Incorporated the regiment of Montcalm

And this was the uniform in 1756:


  1. Excellent! I need to print out a French flag sheet to include a few infantry regiments that are in work. Your recent cavalry flags will be included.

    Thank you!

    1. Terrific, Jon. Look forward to seeing them in action with your splendid troops. :-)

      All the best,


    2. Well, I have exhausted my first tranche of French cavalry figures. I need another outbound order to Eureka.

    3. Well done! How many French cavalry do you plan to do altogether?

      All the best,


    4. My ambitions have few bounds...

    5. :-) I think that seems quite reasonable...

      All the best,


  2. Another fine pair of flags David. I may add a second squadron to my Colonel General's regiment on the strength of them. Much appreciated.

    1. Great; thanks. Look forward to seeing them with your troops if you do. :-)

      All the best,


  3. Now those are very nice, with cracking designs and I love the simple black and white backgrounds:).

    1. Thanks, Steve. :-) Yes, they are pretty unusual and attractive even for the varied French cavalry standards.

      All the best,


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Willz. :-) I have quite a few more French cavalry standards on the stocks so will be posting them soon, I hope...

      All the best,


  5. I am pleased to see that you continue to expand the site and delight us with your work.
    Thank you very much

    1. Thank you, Ronald. Yes, I keep at it; there's never a lack of flags and standards from the period to try to depict! (That's the good and the bad news... ;-))

      All the best,


  6. I love the standards of Colonel Géneral Cavalerie. This black and white standard is so unique and I love the uniform. Thank you for your great work. This was one of the first units of which I painted the flag myself.

    1. Thank you, André. :-) Yes, I confess I do like these very much too. The WAS is especially appealing for its wider variety of flags and uniforms than the SYW; it's a pity the Austrians were less effective in that war, though!

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...