Flag List Pages

Sunday 10 July 2022

Snapshot of Progress On The Prussian Hussar Guidons - Updated

Prussian hussars stopped carrying guidons sometime in the 1740s (I have variously seen the years 1743 and 1746 quoted) (although during the Seven Years War Hussar Regiment 5, the Black or Death Hussars, was allowed to carry two captured French standards, those of Polleresky Hussars and Royal Cravattes). As all cavalry units on the wargames table look a good deal more attractive with flags (well, in my opinion, anyway!), I decided to do the guidons of the then existing 6 regiments of Prussian hussars. This is a snapshot of progress on those guidons. I still have the sleeves and the reverse of the guidons to complete.

Eventually I hope to see Seven Years War Prussian hussar regiments on the wargames table carrying these guidons, in defiance of regulations!

As so often, I am working on many small or large flag projects behind the scenes and this gives a glimpse of one of them.

Update: And here's a sample sheet, showing the guidons of Hussar Regiment 6 in pretty much complete form:

It will take some time to complete and post all the guidons; people tell me they like some history and a uniform plate with my flags and that will be fairly time-consuming to do!


  1. Very nice! Teasers are always appreciated!

    1. Thank you, Roger. :-) It's sometimes tricky to do the teasers as it eats into the time actually finishing the flags!

      All the best,


  2. I like 'em, David! Unfortunately, very few of my SYW cavalry carry banners. I need to change that.

    1. Thank you, Jon. :-) As you know, I am a vexillomaniac so cannot possibly disagree! ;-)

      All the best,


  3. Nice looking guidons. I fully agree that flags are required in the SYW

    1. Thank you, Peter. :-) Clearly well-painted figures are important but I do feel that flags are vital in giving the armies that 18th century feel to them. If the troops are a bit plain or not so well painted, good flags can really lift a unit too!

      All the best,


  4. Very net and tidy guidons David.


    1. Thanks, Willz. :-) It was seeing your hussars on the Fife and Drum Forum that prompted me to have another go at these guidons as I started them many years ago...

      All the best,


  5. Wonderful work there and flags or guidons really do make such a visual difference to a unit, unless converged Grenadiers of course. One small practical point, for me at least, would be that they wavy internal edges would be hard to cut neatly for smaller scale models, so I would simply cut them straight, shallow knave that I am!

    1. Thanks, Steve. :-) Grenadier units wthout flags always look a bit lacking to me, I confess, although I know it was generally the way historically. I rather like the fact some of the Hessian grenadier regiments in the AWI did carry flags! For an ImagiNation, I think grenadiers should always have flags but that may just be me. ;-) Sorry about the awkward wavy edges on the guidons - but that is the way they were! (It was a bother fitting the zigzag pattern to that wavy edge too...)

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...