Flag List Pages

Sunday 27 November 2022

Flags of Spanish Infantry Regiment Córdoba 1728-1768

First raised as a tercio in 1566. It saw much action in various conflicts in the 16th and 17th centuries. Much service in Spain in the War of the Spanish Succession including the battle of Almansa 1707, the battle of Gudiña 1709, the battle of Torrero 1710 and many sieges. Sent to Estremadura at the end of the war.

Flags carried from 1728-1768.

1718-1720 it fought in Sicily against the Austrians, capturing and defending Messina and capitulating there. It then defended Palermo, again having to capitulate to the Austrians.

Att he beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession it was involved in the invasion of Piedmont. It fought an action at Aigueville in 1743. In 1744 was involved in actions that led to the capture of Monte-Albano, Villefranche and Nice. It then crossed the Alps with Castelar's Corps and its grenadiers took the position at Planches. It was then at the capture of Dermont and blockade of Conti. In 1745 it was part of the force attempting to expel the Austrians from Oneglia, then took part in the siege and capture of Piacenza in July. The first battalion joined Aramburu's Corps and took part in the successful battle of Bassignano on September 27th. In 1746 it retreated with the Spanish army across the Po River towards Nice. In 1747 the regiment defended Genoa against Austrian attacks. At the peace in 1748 it was sent to Nice.

In 1749 it returned to Barcelona then was sent as garrison to Ceuta. There in 1753 it made a successful sortie against the besieging Moroccans to cover the sappers who attacked the Moroccan fortifications. After the sortie the Moroccans abandoned the siege.

In the Seven Years War the regiment moved to Cádiz in 1756. When war broke out with Portugal in 1762 the regiment's role was limited to protection of the frontier.

[Information summarised from the Kronoskaf entry on the regiment.]

And this was the uniform in 1759:


  1. Yes! A fine flagset for another Spanish regiment.

    1. Thanks, Jon. :-) Look forward to seeing your Spanish regiments with some of my Spanish flags sometime.

      All the best,


    2. Spanish coming up. Four regiments are finished. Need to find time for a photo shoot.

    3. Great, Jon. Really look forward to seeing pictures! :-)

      All the best,


  2. Lovely flags, the Spanish flags are really very nice, great uniform too, very simple but effective.

    1. Thanks, Doniie. :-) Yes, I rather like them too and white/grey uniforms in general. Much maligned amongst wargamers, perhaps partly because white/grey uniforms can be hard to paint well!

      All the best,


  3. Fantastic flags and uniform details.


    1. Thanks, Willz. :-) The flags with the Burgundian-style cross are pretty distinctive...

      All the best,


  4. An elegant and simple uniform, with the same applying to the flags. Certainly my mind is turning toward some plain white uniformed troops with coloured facings for some units for my Imagi-Nations forces. Finding the time to do anything about it is the main issue I'm afraid!

    1. Thank you, Steve. :-) Yes, time certainly is not our friend, is it? But I hope you do manage some white-coated ImagiNation troops for your armies at some point. What sort of flags would you plan to have with them?

      All the best,


    2. Steve, sometimes an elusive dream is more satisfying than realization.

    3. A lot of wargames "work" is dreaming about things that may never happen, isn't it?

      All the best,



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