Flag List Pages

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Flags and uniform of Prussian Ex-Saxon Regiment IR 59

And here are the last flags of the ex-Saxon regiments. I'll be taking a break from Prussian flags for a while now!

Formerly Saxon Regiment Prinz Maximilian Infantry, after the surrender at Pirna in October 1756 this regiment became Prussian IR59, and was made  the garrison of Wittenberg.

Its commander from November 1756 to 1st August 1757 was nominally Prince Friedrich Wilhelm von Preussen but the actual commander was Lieutenant-Colonel von Plotho.

From April to June 1757 the regiment was with the Prussian army which invaded Bohemia and was then made the garrison of Leitmeritz. On August 1st, after many desertions, the regiment was disbanded at Pirna and the surviving men distributed amongst other Prussian regiments.

[Again the short account is taken from details in Kronoskaf.]

Once again here are two versions of the flags, the ones below with the new improved eagle.

And this was the uniform in 1756:


  1. Very nice as always David. So many flags to choose from for my ImagiNations chaps, it's hard to know which ones to go for...

    1. Thank you, Steve. Yes, for me there are still far too mnay flags for me to choose the next to create so I tend to bounce around from topic to topic. There is no real plan, although I do return to the French flags with real pleasure! ;-)

      All the best,


  2. ...only IR 15 (Leibgarde) ist missing...

    1. So it is, Josef. It will turn up eventually; the IR15 flags are tediously complicated flags to create... ;-)



  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Willz. :-) More to come,,,

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...