Flag List Pages

Thursday 9 May 2024

Flags of Brandenburg-Ansbach Regiment Cavenach 1712

Margrave Georg Friedrich I of Brandenburg-Ansbach raised the infantry regiment Ansbach of 9 companies (strength 1541). It entered the service of the Dutch in 1702 and was increased to 12 companies with a total of 2016 men. It was regiment Janus from 1701-1703. Later commanders were: from 1703 von Heydebracht; from 1705 von Seckendorff and from 1711 von Cavenach.

Regiment von Cavenach lost 300 prisoners and two flags to the French on 21st July 1712; these are the flags depicted here as shown in the Triomphes Louis XIV.

Service history:

1702: Siege of Kaiserswerth
1704: Storming of the Schellenberg and battle of Blenheim
1708: Battle of Oudenarde; siege of Lille
1709: Battle of Malplaquet
1710: Siege of Aire
1712: Battle of Denain

And the uniform in 1712 was probably something like this:


  1. Love, love, love these! Not too unlike the standard(s) purportedly carried by Ansbach-Beyreuth infantry units that fought in the AWI 60 or so years later.

    Kind Regards,


    1. Thank you, Stokes. Glad you like them so much. Yes, indeed, they are not so very different from the later Ansbach-Bayreuth flags! :-)

      All the best,


  2. Excellent flags and uniform details David.


    1. Thank you, Willz. :-) I must get back to WAS/SYW soon as I do have various flags and standards to post for those periods... As I have often said, it's the writing of the text that really eats up the time!

      All the best,


  3. Excellent work David as always:).

    1. Thank you, Steve. :-) Sorry to be slow posting your comment and my reply; somehow it was put in the spam on Blogger and I've only just found it and retrieved it!

      All the best,


  4. David - I missed these back in May, but I like them very much and hope to add this unit to my Schellenberg-period OOB. I find the Ansbach troops interesting but confusing - I know some were in the Reichsarmee as part of the Franconian Circle contingent, but Heydebrecht (I think) was in the Dutch army - did I get this right?

    Lovely, anyway, and a good break for me; I have obtained some very nice figures painted as the French Guard - I can't use the Guard, but it is a simple alteration to use the same soldiers as Heydebrecht, which is right on the money. Thank you for the flag.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. David Morfitt6 July 2024 at 01:57

      Thanks; glad you like them and will use them! :-) Yes, Heydebracht (and all the other iterations of this regiment) was in the Dutch service. Good luck with sorting the new regiment - and I look forward to seeing the flags in use with your troops. I am sure they will look splendid!

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...