Flag List Pages

Friday 21 June 2024

Flags of Würzburg in the War of the Spanish Succession - Cavalry Standards

This is my last post of details of Würzburg flags in the War of the Spanish Succession.

The standard shows the likely type carried by the cuirassiers. I have no details of their history.

Fechtenbach Dragoons 1703 - 1706

First raised 1688. 10 companies strong. 800 strong in 1701.

Proprietors: from 1688 Erhard Gustav von Münster; from 1701 Otto Heinrich von Schade; from 1703 Johann Reinhart von Fechenbach; from 1706 Johann Wilhelm von Wolfskeel (to 1717)

Notable service:

1702: Siege of Landau; 10th October fairly heavy losses at the battle of Friedlingen

1703: With Styrum's Corps in Franconia; fought at Dietfurt 4th March; capture of Neumarkt/Opf; 23rd March skirmish at Schmidtmühlen; August raised to five squadrons

1704: Heavy losses at the battle of Blenheim 13th August

1706: In Hungary fighting against the Rákóczi Uprising; 4th September foot assault on the redoubts of Nagy-Magyar; 27th September fight at the bridgehead of Karvá-Neudorf; October siege of Gran

1707: In several actions - Saz and Also-Mesteri

1708: On Heister's raid in the Bakony Forest; 3rd August battle of Trentschin

1710: capture of Sztropkö

1711: capture of Munkcáz; return to Würzburg then to the Netherlands

1712: June to July siege and capture of Le Quesnoy

And this plate shows the possible uniforms in the WSS:

(Historical information mostly from Kronoskaf WSS website; uniform and flag information from August Kühn Material On The War of the Spanish Succession Book 11 The Armies of the Imperial Circles of Swabia and Franconia as well as the Bishopric of Würzburg and the Margravate of Ansbach (Translated Dan Schorr and Pat Condray))


  1. Nice flags and a nice addition for the Wurzburg forces, I have really enjoyed seeing and reading about them.

    1. Thank you, Donnie. Glad you have enjoyed them! That's it for Würzburg but plenty of other flags still to do... :-)

      All the best,


  2. Lovely work and I'm a sucker for anything with a double-headed eagle on it!

    1. Thank you, Steve. :-) I do agree about the eagles...

      All the best,


  3. More excellent flags and uniforms.


    1. Thank you, Willz. :-) More on the way soon...

      All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...