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Wednesday 26 June 2024

Three Austrian Cuirassiers' Standards of the Late 17th/Early 18th Century

Two of the three are of unknown regiments. The bottom standard is that of Taafe's Cuirassiers and a summary of its history is given below. (Information mostly from Kronoskaf WSS website.)

Austrian Taafe Cuirassiers:

First raised 1636.

Proprietors: From 1677 FML Franz Taafe, Mylord of Carlingford; from 1704 G.d.C. Philipp Count Leiningen-Westerburg; from 1705 Colonel Franz Thomas Count Reising; from 1706 Colonel Johann Adam von Pfefferkornrom; from 1707 until 1740: Colonel Johann Count Browne de Hautois

Notable service:

1636; Blockade of Hanau
1642: Battle of Leipzig
1645: Action at Jankau
1655: Campaigning against the Turks in Hungary
1664: Battle of St Gotthard
1683: Relief of Vienna

Service in the War of the Spanish Succession

1702: Siege of Landau
1704: 13th August Battle of Blenheim
1705: In Hungary; battles of Budmeritz and Schibo
1706-1709: In Hungary and Transylvania

And the uniform in the WSS was probably something like this:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Willz! :-) More Austrian cuirassier standards to come; I think I have 7 left to sort out and post...

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ray. :-) Cavalry standards are generally worth all the effort - well, I think so in my more positive moments! ;-)

      All the best,


  3. Yes, yes, yes! Lovely specimens, David. I think I'll use these for some Eureka Saxon cuirassiers when I return to and finally finish them and just call them by some imaginary name like, for example, the von Hossenfelder Curassiers or some such moniker.

    Kind Regards,


    1. Thank you, Stokes! Glad you like them so much! Hope you do use them as it will be great to see them with your splendid troops. :-) (7 more such standards to come yet...)

      All the best,


    2. Looking forward to seeing those, David!

      -- Stokes

    3. Not too long before I post them, I hope! :-) Still some tweaking to do...

      All the best,


  4. Lovely standards David and the Austrian cuirassiers are very iconic. Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you, Donnie. :-) Coming sometime soon, I hope and plan...

      All the best,


  5. Those standards look great and should work a treat set off against the red of the horse furniture and uniform cuffs etc.

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, I think they will be a good combination; green cavalry standards are a change too, from the usual blue or red! :-)

      All the best,



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