Saturday 12 October 2024

Flags and Uniform Dutch Infantry Regiment Aylva/Schratenbach/Ockinga/Nassau-Dillenberg Late 17th/Early 18th Century

First raised 1577 One battalion strong

Aylva from 1637-1694 under various commanders named Aylva, then Schratenbach 1694-1706 and then Ockinga 1706-1711. Nassau-Dillenberg 1711-1727

Service history:

1689: Battle of Walcourt
1690: Battle of Fleurus [where it was badly mauled and flags captured]
1692: Battle of Steinkirk
1693: Batle of Neerwinden-Landen

War of the Spanish Succession:

1702: Defence of Hulst; captured as POWs but soon exchanged
1704: In Portugal with the army of the Duke of Schomberg
1708: Battle of Oudenarde
1709: September to October siege and capture of Mons
1710: July to August siege of Béthune
1712: In Flanders

The flags were captured by the French as shown on the plate; the motto on the flags was that of the Aylva family:

And this was probably the uniform in much of the WSS (although there is evidence that they may have had blue uniforms in the 1690s):

And this shows the flags in use with Simon Miller's splendid version of the regiment:

(The unit had not had its final basing at the time the photograph was taken by Simon.)


  1. Very cool flag and the design immediately made me think of that of Brazil's. The flags on the unit look superb!

    1. Thyank you, Steve. Yes, you are right; a distinct similarity there! That shot of Simon Miller's certainly shows the flags to very good effect... :-)

      All the best,


  2. What a wonderful set of flags, thanks for sharing David.


    1. Thank you, Willz. :-) Many of thre Dutch infantry flags are much more complex so will take some time to do!

      All the best,


  3. Lovely flag, looks really good, I quite like the white uniform very simple but would look great with your flags setting them off.

    1. Thank you, Donnie. Yes, I agree that the uniform plus flags would be pretty striking! :-)

      All the best,



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