Flag List Pages

Prussian flags for wargamers available on this blog

Prussian flags on the blog as of 18th January 2023:

Chefs' names as in 1756

To find the appropriate page with the flag on, put the name of the flag in the search box top left (or at the bottom) of the blog.


IR 1 Winterfeldt
IR 2 von Kanitz
IR 3 Anhalt-Dessau
IR 4 von Kalnein
IR 5 von Braunschweig
IR 6 Grenadier Garde
IR 7 Braunschweig-Bevern
IR 8 von Amstell
IR 9 von Wickeradt
IR 10 von Knobloch
IR 11 von Below
IR 12 Erbprinz von Hessen-Darmstadt
IR 13 Itzenplitz
IR 14 von Lehwaldt
IR 16 Dohna
IR 17 von Manteuffel
IR 18 Prinz von Preussen
IR 19 Markgraf Karl
IR 20 von Zastrow
IR 21 von Hülsen
IR 22 Anhalt-Dessau
IR 23 Forcade
IR 24 Schwerin
IR 25 von Kalckstein
IR 26 Meyerinck
IR 27 von Kleist
IR 28 Hautcharmoy
IR 29 von Schultze
IR 30 von Blanckensee
IR 31 von Lestwitz
IR 32 von Tresckow,
IR 33 de la Motte-Fouqué
IR 34 Prinz Ferdinand von Preussen
IR 35 Prinz Heinrich
IR 36 von Münchow
IR 37 von Kurssell
IR 38 von Brandes
IR 39 Jung Braunschweig
IR 40 von Kreytzen
IR 41 Wied
IR 42 Brandenburg-Schwedt
IR 43 von Kalsow
IR 44 von Jungkenn Müntzer
IR 45 von Dossow
IR 46 von Württemberg
IR 47 von Wietersheim
IR 48 Hessen-Kassel
IR 49 von Diericke [plus previous Pioneer Regiment flag]

Ex-Saxon Regiments IR50, IR51, IR52, IR53, IR54, IR55, IR56, IR57, IR58 and IR59

Garrison Regiments I, II, III, V, IX

Cavalry standards:

Kürassier Regiment 1 Buddenbrock


  1. Thank you, Willz! :-) I'm glad it was worth the effort.

    All the best,



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...