Flag List Pages

Sunday 30 September 2007

2nd Reichsarmee Template - Musketeer of the Münster Regiments Nagel and Elberfeld (Westphalian Circle)

Colour template added 05.05.09.

Both these
single battalion regiments may have worn the same Prussian-style uniform, dark blue with red facings, except possibly for the button colour. However, one source suggests that Elberfeld (or Elverfeldt) may have had white facings - collar, lapels, cuffs and turnbacks - with brass buttons (see Kronoskaf for discussion). The above colour template may therefore show the dress of both or only one of the battalions.

They were rated as "good" by Soubise. Both were apparently captured in 1759 while serving against Prince Henry's army.


  1. *growl* . . . since I switched from a Windows operating system to a Linux one, my old graphics program no longer works . . . and I haven't figured out how the new one does yet . . . so I'm not able to do much with your templates at this time . . . but I'm sure that I will figure things out eventually.

    Meanwhile I'm faithfully copying each template. And, once again, thank you for providing these.

    -- Jeff

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the supportive comment - the first from anyone in aeons, it seems! Hope you get to grips with the new graphics program soon; I want to see those Croats on your blog... ;-) I'm glad you're still collecting the templates for future use. :-)

    I've had a bit of a hiatus with the templates as I've been unwell on and off, and plodding on with them became a bit tedious, especially without the feedback to spur me on, I'm afraid. Well, I think I'm back in production now!


  3. I'm sorry to hear that you've been unwell . . . hope that you are now well on the mend.

    Yes, I've noticed that things go in "spurts" . . . nothing, then a flood, then nothing, then some action, etc.

    -- Jeff

  4. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks; it's ongoing but nothing fatal (I think)! Just a number of things that are somewhat wearing, especially together, particularly as they've been disturbing my sleep pretty badly. Can't cope without decent sleep! How's your health now? Are you fighting fit again?

    Yes, it is curious how these blogs and their comments go in fits and starts.


  5. It isn't just the blogs. I've been in clubs where every week it was the same period for months on end . . . then someone tries something different and a month later nobody wants to go back to the period that held their interest for so long . . . but half-a-year to a year later, they start up again with the old period and abandon the new one.

    As for my health, I've been doing okay for a bit now . . . although this morning pain in my hip woke me up and left me hobbling about for a while. I'm just getting older (and fatter and balder too), and the aches and pains that come with age are becoming known to me . . . *sigh*.

    -- Jeff

  6. Hi Jeff,

    I know what you mean; I gave up on wargames clubs long ago for that and other reasons - not least too many barrack room lawyers wanting to argue endlessly about the rules and too obsessed with winning at any price. :-(

    Sadly I also know what you mean about "the aches and pains that come with age"... But I'm glad that your other health problem is better at least. In the words of the Monty Python song, I do try to look on the bright side of life - though I'm still not very good at it and forget to do so rather too often. Ask my wife! I'm also still wondering how one "seizes the day" (carpe diem and all that); I've not worked that one out at all yet.



Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...