Flag List Pages

Monday 1 October 2007

3rd Reichsarmee Template - Musketeer of the Mainz Infantry Regiment Wildenstein (Circle of the Elector Rhine)

Wildenstein was a 4 battalion regiment, rated as "good" by Soubise. The uniform was in the Austrian style, white with green facings and waistcoat. Grenadiers also wore an Austrian-style bearskin.


  1. Hi there David,

    Good to see you're back! The latest two templates are, as always, smashing. They make me wish I had endless time and resources to design uniforms and paint up a bunch of differently clothed regiments that would do justice to your lovely work here. Do you find the time to paint figures yourself?

    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Stokes,

    Thanks! :-)

    Do feel free to fantasize and post your filled-in templates even if they never reach the gaming table... I'd like to see them. ;-)

    No, I'm afraid I've never been very good at figure painting - somehow couldn't get the hang of it! I am planning to design and make some 2d card figures for SYW gaming though, somewhat in the style of the Junior General figures http://www.juniorgeneral.org/18thcentury.htm#seven%20years%20war but hopefully larger scale and rather more detailed - mine will be vector graphics so not so dreadfully pixellated. ;-) (The JG site has a tremendously wide collection of SYW figures; I helped with some of the information used by their creators.) I really like the largely European tradition of card and paper figures - cheap, easily portable, can be printed out without needing to be painted afterwards and made of a renewable and environmentally friendly material. I have a wonderful book called "Paper Soldiers: The Illustrated History of Printed Paper Armies of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries" by Edward Ryan which serves as inspiration; there are some very attractive 18th SYW figures in there.


  3. Sounds like a neat book.

    Please let us know if/when you do get this project on its feet. I can envision having some of these "paper armies" as prizes to give to youngsters at our local mini-convention . . . perhaps to get them to consider historical gaming.

    Indeed, my imagination is running with this . . . hmmmm . . . yes, please do keep us in touch with this.

    -- Jeff

  4. Hi Jeff,

    Yes, it's a wonderful book. :-)

    I'll certainly let you know how the project goes. Your idea sounds a good one!



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