Flag List Pages

Saturday 3 November 2007

SYW Russian Cavalry 2- Horse Grenadier

Russian horse grenadiers wore a uniform identical to that of the dragoons apart from the infantry-style grenadier cap with its copper front and the shabraque and pistol covers in pale yellow.

SYW Russian Cavalry 1- Dragoon

Another interim template as the hussar is still in progress - a Russian dragoon, in a uniform very similar to that of the infantry in style but in cornflower blue with red collar, cuffs, turnbacks and button lace. The breeches (which were leather) and the waistcoat were buff-coloured. The tricorne was black with white lace and white bow. All buttons were copper. The shabraque was cornflower blue and entirely plain for other ranks.

Friday 2 November 2007

Swedish Dragoon SYW

The new hussar is taking a long time to finish, not least because for some days I've been rebuilding XP and reinstalling programs, a tedious and lengthy process. So, as an interim offering which took only a relatively short time to do, here is a Swedish dragoon of regiments 1, 2 or 3, with the distinguishing motif of the three crowns on the shabraque.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Hussar Progress 2

Another update - as you can see much of the uniform is done, with quite a lot of tweaking still to do, and the shabraque, sabretache and suspension straps still to be done.

This is a preview of the new hussar template - all (ha ha) that now needs to be done is to add all the details for the Prussian 2nd Regiment. On the left can be seen part of the old hussar template.