Flag List Pages

Thursday 21 October 2021

Prague Prussian Flags Project - Flags of Prussian Infantry Regiment 28 Hautcharmoy

Chefs: from 1742 Colonel Heinrich Carl Ludwig Herault de Hautcharmoy, later Lieutenant General, who died 16th May 1757 of wounds received at Prague 6th May; from 5th January 1758 Major General Lorenz Ernst von Münchow, who died January 1758 of wounds received at Leuthen 5th December 1757; From 4th April 1758 Major General Johann Friedrich von Kreytzen; From 20th May 1759 Major General Friedrich Ehrentreich von Ramin, transferred to IR25; From 8th February 1760 Major General Friedrich Wilhelm von Thile (to 1770).

In 1756 the regiment was part of Schwerin's Silesian Corps, which protected the County of Glatz from enemy forces from mid-September to the end of October while the Bohemian offensive took place. Transferring to the King's army in mid-April, it took part in the battle of Prague on May 6th. As part of Hautcharmoy's force on the right wing  it led the breakthrough south of Kej. Casualties were heavy (Duffy, Army of Frederick the Great, 1st Edition shows about 40% casualties). Its chef Hautcharmoy was mortally wounded.

The grenadiers were in the defeat at Landeshut on August 14th and the musketeer battalions were captured by the Austrians on November 12th during the first siege of Schweidnitz. On April 16th 1758 the grenadiers took part in the storming of the city, taking the Galgen Fort, and the regiment was raised again from the more than 12,000 Prussian troops returned as part of a prisoner exchange. Silesia had also once more begun to send replacements after the battle of Leuthen,

In May IR 28 marched with the King's Army to besiege Olmütz. It suffered many casualties while guarding the train of 4000 waggons when it was attacked at Domstadtl in early May. Under Margrave Carl it went back to Silesia at the end of October.

In 1759 it was part of the King's camp at Schmottseiffen and fought at Konradswalde near Landeshut. On June 23rd 1760 the grenadiers were beaten at Landeshut. The rest of the regiment fought on the Warthe in Prince Heinrich's Corps.

In 1761 the regiment was in the King's camp at Bunzelwitz. The grenadiers were sent to Pomerania with Platen and suffered heavy casualties in the battles of Körlin, Spie and Kolberg..

In the winter of 1761-2 the regiment was reorganised and saw no more action in 1762 in Silesia. The grenadiers, with Bevern, fought at Reichenbach on August 16th.

Despite its few successes, the King, in his usual capricious fashion, favoured the regiment after the Seven Years War. But he claimed in 1784 that the  regiment was in such disorder that he needed to send officers from his own regiment to reorganise it.

And this was the uniform in 1756:


  1. Another brilliant set of flags.

  2. Thanks, Ray. :-) I'm pleased to be getting on pretty well with the Prussian flags, although I really need to spend a fair bit of effort drawing those odd ones of IR 15 so I can feel I have actually completed those of Rossbach and Leuthen! At least they should look good once done... Will do them soon, I hope.

    All the best,


  3. Thank you David for another wonderful post, an easy uniform to paint.
    Excellent inspiration.


  4. Thank you, Willz. :-) Look forward to seeing them in action with your troops sometime!

    All the best,



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